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单词 万夫不当之勇

万夫不当之勇wàn fū bù dāng zhī yǒng

be so brave that ten thousand men cannot withstand him; be so valiant that none dare stand against him
❍ 祖是军官出身,使一条狼牙棒,~。(《水浒全传》415) Even his ancestors had been men who controlled armies,and he was a man who could wield the mace,so that any number of men could not withstand him.
❍ 他一支丈八蛇矛,就有~,谁能抵挡他,……(《鲁迅选集》上—38)He has a huge lance eighteen feet long,and dares take on ten thousand men Nobody can stand against him.
❍ 臣近得一员大将,使六十斤大刀,有~,……(《三国演义》837) Lately I have found a stalwart soldier for a leader,a man who wields a sixty catty sword.So valorous is he that none dare stand against him.
❍ 焕身长九尺,面貌丑恶,使一枝方天戟,有~;……(《三国演义》744) This O Huan was tall of stature,but ugly and evil of countenance. His weapon was a sort of halberd,he was very valiant,and no one could face him.
❍ 此人姓董,名平,善使双枪,人皆称为双枪将,有~。(《水浒全传》856) This general is surnamed Dong and his name is Ping and he uses very well two spears and so is he called by men The Warrior Of Two Spears. Not ten thousand men can withsland him.
❍ 臣有大将二员: 一名李异,一名谢旌,俱有~。(《三国演义》701) There are two able captains under my command named Li Yi and Xie Qing,both very brave.





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