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单词 真凭实据

真凭实据zhēn píng shí jù

genuine (/hard/indisputable/irrefutable/ironclad/real/solid)evidence; conclusive (/definite/factual) proof
❍ 没有~,屠维岳会赖! (茅盾《子夜》436) We haven’t any definite proof yet,and Tu Weiyue may deny it.
❍ 可是金家有钱有势,自己是求告无门,手里又没有~,上哪里去伸冤告状啊?(石文驹《战地红樱》131) But the Jins were rich and powerful,and she had no evidence,and nowhere to go to accuse them.
❍ 共产党员应该随时注意那些奸细分子,用~揭发他们的罪恶,劝告人民不要上他们的当。(《毛泽东选集》489)Communists must always be on the lookout for the enemy agents,expose their criminal activities with factual evidence and warn the people not to be duped by them.
❍ ~没拿到手,又觉得自己不该那样快地作出肯定。(冯志《敌后武工队》372)Still,since he had no hard evidence one way or the other,he felt he should not draw any conclusion at all.
❍ 假使他知道我们的情形,千万不要承认,只要拿不到~,就不怕他。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—118) Now even if he seems to know our secret,you still musn’t admit it; for we’ve nothing to fear so long as he hasn’t any real evidence.
❍ 要是搜庙搜不出啥东西来,就不捉他,因为捉着这个老家伙你没有~,他一点也不会招供,对我们侦察的价值不大。(曲波《林海雪原》177) If the search doesn’t reveal anything,then we don’t arrest him.That old buzzard won’t say a word unless we can confront him with proof.


❶solid (or conclusive,hard,genuine)evidence;ironclad or conclusive proof
❷confirmed;proven(or proved)
缺乏~lack hard evidence/提供~ provide factual evidence/掌握~get hold of (a mass of)solid evidence against/有~的反革命confirmed counter-revolutionaries/有~的汉奸proven traitors

真凭实据zhēn pínɡ shí jù

真实可靠的依据。conclusive evidence, genuine(factual) evidence, conclusive proof





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