释义 |
万不得已wàn bù dé yǐas a last resort; be absolutely forced to do sth; be out of absolute necessity; be very hard pressed to do sth; cannot help it; have no alternative; have no option but to; have to do sth; there is no help for it; with no other alternative/……除非到了~的时候,他就不要亲身出马了。(周立波《山乡巨变》219—220) …he never appeared personally unless it was absolutely essential. ❍ 有些地方,敌人一个班被打得剩下一个人,但是那一个人还在拼死抵抗,仿佛不到~绝不放下武器。(杜鹏程《保卫延安》)71) In some places,only one man remained of an enemy squad,but that one fought desperately,refusing to give up his weapon except as a last resort. ❍ 若非~,朕何忍向戚畹借助? (姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—709) Unless I had been absolutely forced into it,I would never have asked my relations for money. ❍ 屯子里的穷人,除非~,都不愿登周长安家的门。(《高玉宝》55) Unless forced to it by dire necessity,the villagers never crossed that forbidding threshold. ❍ 非~不肯轻易变卖的。(鲁迅《彷徨·孤独者》97) He must be very hard pressed to have sold it. ❍ 其中说: 加尔是主张人类为进步计,即不妨有少许污点,~,也不妨有一点罪恶的;……(《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ—146) …in which he says that Carl believed a few imperfections or even crimes were excusable if they contributed to human progress;…/唉!你们这些小东西呀,这不都是为你们吗?手里有个家伙总比没有强呀,不到~的时候,咱们先不惹它。(石文驹《战地红缨》47) Oh,you children! I brought it because of you. It’s better than coming empty handed,isn’t it? Anyway,we mustn’t disturb the wolf until we have to. ❍ 除非已经到无路可走,~,最好不惹动江浙两省的官绅大户哗然反对, 同朝廷离心离德。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—687) …and so it was unwise to arouse the opposition of the rich there unless there was no alternative,in case they stopped supporting the government. 万不得已only when it is absolutely necessary;as a last resort 万不得已wàn bù dé yǐ义同“万般无奈”。same as“万般无奈”。 |