释义 |
万丈深渊wàn zhàng shēn yuāna bottomless chasm; abyss ❍ 他心里明白:这是掉进那~里边去了……(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》5) He knew it well—they were falling into a bottomless chasm./“不怕! 小白鸽! 你放心!”姜青山边说边端枪,当的一声,凶恶的老鹰从天空跌坠下来,撞死在悬岩,滚下~。(曲波《林海雪原》)588)“Don’t worry,White Dove,”said Qingshan,raising his rifle. He fired one shot. The hawk came tumbling down,dashing to death against the cliff,then rollinginto the deep abyss. 万丈深渊bottomless pit;vast chasm;abyss 万丈深渊wàn zhànɡ shēn yuān形容非常深的峡谷。abyss, a bottomless chasm |