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单词 一鼓作气

一鼓作气yī gǔ zuò qì

(accomplish) in one go(/at a dash/at one swoop/at one fling); (finish)at a sitting; follow up one victory with another; get sth done in one sustained effort; go ahead without let-up; press on to the finish without let-up
❍ ~把所有的衣箱都翻遍,粉脸上一层油汗,……(《茅盾文集》Ⅷ—284) Stormily Mrs Zhang tore through all the trunks,her rouged face bedewed with perspiration.
❍ 夫战,勇气也。~,再而衰,三而竭。(《左传·庄十年》)In fighting,all depends on the courageous spirit.When the drums first beat,that excites the spirit. A second advance occasions a diminution of the spirit,and with a third,it is exhausted.


do sth at one go;press on to the finish without letup;get sth done with one vigorous effort

一鼓作气yī ɡǔ zuò qì

作:振作;气:勇气。原指作战开始时鼓足勇气;现指做事时鼓起劲头,勇往直前。at a blow, get sth. done in one vigorous effort, at one fling, go ahead without let-up, make a vigorous effort





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