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单词 一贫如洗

一贫如洗yī pín rú xǐ

so poor as though everything had been washed away by flood; as poor as a church mouse; be (down) on one’s uppers; be hard up; be stripped bare; utterly destitute; flat;have not a shirt on one’s back; have nothing to call one’s own; in the grips of poverty; in utter desti tution; not a feather to fly with; penniless; poverty stricken
❍ 你知道,我~,家里是没有积聚的; ……(《红楼梦》586) You know how hard up I am,with no property of my own,…/小生~,流落在这楚州居住。(《关汉卿戏剧集·感天动地窦娥冤》1)Living from hand to mouth,I moved to Shanyang Prefecture in Chuzhou and took lodgings here.

一贫如洗yī pín rú xǐ

穷得像冲洗过的一样。比喻一无所有,十分赤贫。be down on one’s uppers, penniless, as poor as a rat, not a feather to fly with, be hard up





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