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单词 一诺千金

一诺千金yī nuò qiān jīn

a promise worth a thousand pieces of gold—a promise that can be counted on;a solemn promise
❍ 曹丘至,即揖季布曰:“楚人谚曰‘得黄金百斤,不如得季布一诺’,足下何以得此声于梁楚间哉? ……” (《史记·季节栾布列传》2731)When Cao Qiu appeared he gave only a slight bow and said to Ji Bu, “People in Chu have a saying that'a hundred catties of pure gold are not as good as one of Ji Bu’s promises.’ I wonder how you have managed to get such a reputation in this region of Liang and Chu? …”

一诺千金yī nuò qiān jīn

诺:许诺。一许诺下来就价值千金。比喻说话算数,讲信用。a promise that will be kept, a promise worth a thousand piece of gold, be as good as one’s word





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