释义 |
一言半语一言半辞yī yán bàn yǔ(just)a word ❍ 公子行数里,心不快,曰:“吾所以待侯生者备矣,天下莫不闻,今吾且死而侯生曾无一言半辞送我,我岂有所失哉?” (《史记·魏公子列传》) Lord Xinling rode for several li with a growing sense of grievance. “The whole world knows how much I have done for Hou Ying,”he thought. “Yet now that I am going to die,he has not a word to say to me. Can I have offended him in any way? ”/他数内有几个性如烈火的汉字,倘或~冲撞了他,便坏了大事。(《水浒全传》920) Several of those outlaws are very hot-headed. If you say one word that triggers them off,the whole deal may be spoiled. |