释义 |
一言不发yī yán bù fānot say a word; keep one’s mouth shut; keep silent; maintain a stubborn silence; say nothing; without saying a word; (as)silent as the grave ❍ 甫志高默默坐着,~。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》128) Fu Zhigao had no answer. ❍ 讨论中,他~,甚至还说些违心的话。(王汶石《风雪之夜》193)In the course of discussion he would either hang his head in dead silence or tell a pack of lies. ❍ 道静的眼睛炯炯地盯着晓燕看着,她已经对一直~的王晓燕提高了警惕。(杨沫《青春之歌》485) On her guard now,she kept a keen watch on the other girl who still maintained a stubborn silence. ❍ 李诚~。(杜鹏程 《保卫延安》201) Li Cheng didn’t say a word. ❍ 此时宝钗正在这里,那黛玉只~,挨着贾母坐下。(《红楼梦》362)Baochai was also there. Daiyu said nothing but took a seat by the Lady Dowager. ❍ 他哭了一阵,见他坐在红木靠背椅上,~,不知道在想什么,嗔怒地问道: ……(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—227) Zhu Ruifang wept for some time. Then,seeing that he still sat silent on the mahogany settle and unable to guess what was in his mind,she asked irritably:…/崔老大爷失神地坐在小明姬的墓边上,呆呆地~,……(杨佩瑾《剑》84) The old man Cui sat sadly beside the grave,speechless. ❍ 那官员~,也就出去了。(《儒林外史》569) The officer also left without a word. 一言不发yī yán bù fā一句话也不说。silent as the grave, not say a word, keep one’s mouth shut, button up one’s mouth |