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单词 一笔抹杀

一笔抹杀yī bǐ mǒ shā

write off (/blot out) at one stroke; condemn out of hand; cut to the bone;deny flatly (/completely); dismiss with a wave of one’s hand; efface at one stroke; ignore altogether;totally negate; write off wholesale
❍ 前几天,我在《现代》上看见苏汶先生的文章,他以中立的文艺论者的立场,将 “连环图画” ~了。(鲁迅《南腔北调集· “连环图画”辩护》23) Not long ago in Modern Age I read an essay by Mr Su Wen in which he condemns “picture books”out of hand from his standpoint as a neutral art critic.
❍ 组织上要建立一个组织总有他的道理的,你不能~。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—399) If the Party wants to set up an organization there must be a good reason for it and you can’t just dismiss it with a wave of your hand.

一笔抹杀yī bǐ mǒ shā

抹杀:抹掉。画一笔,把全部都抹掉。比喻轻率地把成绩、优点等全部勾销或抹掉。totally negate, deny completely, cut to the bone, be gainsaid





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