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单词 一无可取

一无可取一无足取yī wú kě qǔ

not have one thing to be said about; have nothing worth (/to merit) attention (/recommendat ion); have nothing to recommend; have nothing good in; without a single merit; worthless
❍ 如果貌似讽刺的作品,而毫无善意,也毫无热情,只使读者觉得一切世情,一无足取,也一无可为,那就并非讽刺了,这便是所谓“冷嘲”。(《鲁迅选集》 Ⅳ—149) If a work looks satirical but lacksa positive aim and genuine passion,simply convincing its readers that there is nothing good in the world,nothing worth doing,this is not satire but “cyni cism.”/也有一些设计人员认为西洋的和中国古代的建筑~,在人民大会堂的设计中反对吸取其中有用的东西。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》 Ⅱ-333) Still others thought there was nothing in either western or Chinese architecture and refused to draw any useful ideas from either.

一无可取yī wú kě qǔ

一:都,全。没有一点可取的地方。形容人或事物毫无用处或价值。neither rhyme nor reason, be a good-for-nothing, worthless, without a single merit, count for nothing





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