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单词 一挥而就

一挥而就yī huī ér jiù

a flourish of the pen and it is done—finish a piece of writing (/painting) at one go; be done at one stroke; dash off in a flash;write straight off
❍ 黛玉道: “你们都有了?” 说着,提笔~,掷与众人。(《红楼梦》449)“Have you all finished?”cried Daiyu. At once she took up her brush and dashed off eight lines,which she tossed over to them.
❍ 这蔡御史终是状元之才,拈笔在手,文不加点,字走龙蛇,灯下~,作诗一首。(鲁迅《中国小说史略》154)This Censor Cai was at least an accomplished scholar: he picked up the pen and dashed off a poem in a flash under the lamp…/妙玉提笔微吟,~。(《红楼梦》998) Miaoyu picked up her brush and wrote her addition straight off.

一挥而就yī huī ér jiù

就:成功、完成。一动笔就写成。形容写字、画画、作文很快就完成。(just) a flourish of the pen and it’s done, finish an essay or a painting at one go





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