n. tenderest part,most sensitive spot要害,最敏感的部位。
△Ham.4.7.123:“But to the quick of the ul-cer;” i.e. to the core of the matter; to the heart ofthe trouble.可是,回到我们要谈的问题中心吧。
1. living,alive活生生的,活着的。
△Ham.5.1.136(126):“’Tis for the dead,not for the quick; thereforethou liest.”这是为死人的,不是为活人的;所以你明明是说谎。
△Ham.5.1.273 (251):“Now pile your dust upon thequick and dead,”现在你们把死人活人都一齐盖上土吧。
△Ham.5.1. 301 (279): “Be buried quick with her,and so will I.”要跟她活埋在一起,我也会干的。
△H.V.22.79: “The mercy that was quick in us but late. / Byyour own counsel is suppressed and killed.”我的仁慈,方才还在心中活着,已经被你们的劝告给扑灭扼杀了。
△R.III.12.64: “Either heaven with lightning strike the mur-derer dead. Or earth gape open wide and eat himquick,” 要是上天不用霹雷把这个杀人凶手打死,就让大地张开大嘴把他活活吞下去。
2. live,in living form活的,以活生生的形态。
△1H.VI.53.8:“This speed and quick appearance argues proof /Of your accustomed diligence to me. ”你们这样迅速、这样活生生的出现,又一次证明了你们对我一向的勤恳。
3. lively,animated. sprightly 活泼的,生气勃勃的,轻快的。
△H.V.3.5.21:“And shall our quick blood,spiritedwith wine. / Seem frosty?”而我们生气勃勃的热血,有葡萄酒来振奋,却像霜雪一般冰冷吗?
△H.V.5.Cho.23:“In thequick forge and working-house of thought,”在想像力的生气勃勃的熔炉和作坊之中。
△R.III.1.3.5:“And cheerhis Grace with quick and merry eyes.” 用活泼愉快的神情来鼓舞他。(按: eyes又作words。)
△Gent.3.1.91:“quick words”,流利活泼的语言。
△L.L.L.1.1.160(161):“But is there no quick recreation granted?”但是,是否准许有一点儿快活的娱乐?
4. lively,nimble,sensitive 活泼的,敏捷的,敏锐的
△2H.IV.4.3.107 (99): “makes it apprehensive.quick.”使得脑子有洞察力,反应灵敏。
△3H.VI.3.2.144:“My eye's too quick. my heart o'erweens too much.”我的眼睛太敏锐,我的心太狂妄自大。
△R.III.3.1.155:“Bold,quick,ingenious,forward,capable.” 大胆,敏捷,机智,早熟,聪明。
5. full of vigour,heart-felt 充满活力的,衷心的。
△R.III.1.3.196(195):“Why then,give way,dull clouds,tomy quick curses!”那么,死气沉沉的乌云,给我这充满强烈力量的诅咒让路吧!
6. vigorous (of the appetite)(食欲)旺盛的。
△Tw.1.1.9: “O spirit of love,how quick and fresh art thou,”啊,爱情的精灵,你的食欲是多么旺盛而强烈。
7. rash,hasty,impatient鲁莽的,性急的,急不可耐的。
△Oth.2.1.315 (303):“whom I trace / For his quickhunting,” i.e. whom I follow after because of his im-patient pursuit of Desdemona. 为了他急不可耐的猎艳我才紧紧抓住他。
8. sharp 尖刻的。
△L.L.L.2.1.117:“You must not beso quick ”你不要这样尖刻。
9. pregnant怀孕的。
△L.L.L.5.2.680 (676): “She'squick. the child brags in her belly already.”她怀孕了,孩子已经在她肚子里叫了。
△R.III.4.4.362 (361):“Your reasons aretoo shallow and too quick.”你说的理由都太浅薄、太仓促了。(按:quick的
❷义“alive” 与下文的“dead”双关。)quick ad. quickly,suddenly很快地,突然地。
△Mid.1.1.149:“So quick bright things come to confusion.”光辉灿烂的东西就这样陷入了混沌。
◇as quick as thought一闪而过
be quick in the uptake理解很快
cut sb. to the quick触及要害…的痛处
quick as a flash极快
quick off the mark迅速开始
the quick and the dead活的或死的所有的人
‖ quick-A近体快球
quick action快动作
quick action chamber局部减压室
quick action valve紧急阀
quick assets流动资产,速动资产,可快速兑现的资产
quick assets ratio速动资产比率
quick attack快攻
quick backspin service发急下旋球
quick ball快球
quick block快挡
quick break快攻
quick-burning fuze瞬发引信
quick buy and quick sell foreign exchange炒汇
quick calculation速算
quick capital流动资产,流动资本
quick change magazine快换片盒
quick close-up快速封网
quick deposit account活期存款账户
quick development快出子
quick drive快速抽杀
quick explosive急性炸药
quick feedback information快速反馈信息
quick fire急射
quick-firing ammunition速射武器弹药
quick-firing antiaircraft gun速射高射炮
quick-firing tommy gunner速射自动枪手
quick forward somersault前滚翻
quick-frozen food速冻食品
quick fuze瞬发引信
quick hand善抢球的队员
quick inside dribble透人运球
quick kick快球扣球
quick kill快球扣杀
quick liabilities流动负债
quick liability短期债务
quick loan快速收回的贷款
quick-lunch counter简易餐厅
quick march齐步行进
quick market不活跃的市场
quick money速动货币,速动资金
quick motion快镜头
Quick Neurological Screening Test快速神经学甄别测验
quick pass急传球,快速传球
quick payoffs快速赢利
quick phase急速相
quick ratio速动比率
quick reaction快速反应,迅速反应
quick reaction aircraft快速反应飞机
quick reaction capability快速反应能力
quick reaction force (troops)快速反应部队
quick reaction operations快速反应作战
quick reaction program快速反应计划
quick reaction support快速反应支援
quick reaction system快速反应系统
Quick Reference Guide简便指南
quick return过早投球
quick returns and small margins薄利多销
quick sensibility敏感
quick shot快射,快速投篮
quick silver ability无孔不入的穿插能力
quick sketch速写
quick spike快扣
quick spike from flat short set短平快扣球
quick spike from flat wide set平拉开扣球
quick start快速启动
quick step快步,快速进行曲,轻快的舞步
quick stop急停
quick strike reconnaissance system快速攻击侦察系统
quick takeoff快速起飞Quick Test快速测验
quick time march齐步走
quick topspin service发急上旋球
quick turn急转身,快速转身
quick turn shot急转身射门
quick upstart急振上
quick vicious spin又急又刁的旋转球
quick weight loss快速失重
quick wide dribble拉杆过人动球
quick-witted,灵敏 的
quick-eared adj. 听觉灵敏的
quicken its steps in transforming the training-from conventional training to one featuring new technology实现由传统练兵方式向科技练兵的转变
quickly adv.快
quickness n.迅速地,尖锐化