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单词 一意孤行

一意孤行yī yì gū xíng

act arbitrarily (/wil fully); act in disregard of other people’s opinions (/advice); be dead set (/be hell-bent/be bent) on having one’s own way; cling obstinately to one’s course; follow (/go/insist on) one’s own way;follow one’s bigoted course; wheel and deal/ 《陕甘宁边区施政纲领》上有一条,规定共产党员应当同党外人士实行民主合作,不得~,把持包办,就是针对着这一部分还不明白党的政策的同志而说的。(《毛泽东选集》767)There is an article in the Administrative Programme of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region which stipulates that Communists should co-operate dem ocratically with non-party people and must not act arbitrarily or keep everything in their own hands. It is directed precisely at the comrades who still fail to understand the Party’s policy.
❍ 公卿相造请禹,禹终不报谢,务在绝知友宾客之请,孤立行一意而已。(《史记·酷吏列传》3138)❶Though the other high officials would sometimes go to call on him,he never returned their calls. He did everything he could to prevent his friends and acquaintances from coming to him with requests and sought to act wholly on his own without any advice from others.
❷When other ministers called on him,he never returned their calls. He made every effort to forestall requests from friends and visitors and took an independent stand,doing whatever he pleased.
❍ 不到某人“严重违法乱纪”是不会受“整”的。什么叫“严重违法乱纪”?就是国家的利益和人民的利益受到严重的损害,而这种损害,是在屡戒不听~的情况下引起的。(《毛泽东选集》 Ⅴ—428) No one will be “fixed”unless he “grossly violates the law.”Then what is meant by “gross violation of the law”? It means serious damage to the interests of the state and the people as a result of the evil-doer’s wilful actions despite repeated warnings.


cling obstinately (or obdurately) to one’s course;wilfully cling to one’s own course;be bent on having one’s own way; insist on having one’s own way;be bent on one’s way;obstinately cling to one’s course;act wilfully
他搞分裂活动~,越走越远。He is bent on having his way and has gone further down the road of separatist activities.

一意孤行yī yì ɡū xínɡ

形容不按别人的意见去办,独断专行。act witfuly, take one’s own courage, go one’s own gate, wheel and deal, go one’s own way, act arbitrarily





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更新时间:2025/1/19 18:34:46