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单词 一字不提

一字不提只字不提yī zì bù tí

make no mention whatsoever; not breathe a single word about; not say a word (about)
❍ 江大夫真忠实,他对贾克逊的罪行~,还说贾大夫是个学者。(曹禺《明朗的天》112) Dr Jiang was so loyal that he made no mention whatsoever of Jackson’s crime. On the contrary,he called Jackson a scholar.
❍ 凤姐见问,便要告诉给他事情管的话,一想,又恐他看轻了,只说得了这点儿香料,便许他管事了。因且把派他种花木的事,~,……(《红楼梦》281) Xifeng was tempted to tell him about the job of supervising tree-planting which they had in mind for him,but was afraid he might take it the wrong way and imagine she was offering it in return for a few aromatics. So she refrained,saying not a word about it.

一字不提yī zì bù tí

一个字也没有提出来。not to breathe a single word about, not say a word about





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