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❶ (蓝色或绿色) blue or green: ~ 椒 green pepper; ~ 山绿水 green hills and blue waters; ~ 天 blue sky
❷ (黑色) black : ~ 布 black cloth; ~ 牛 black ox
❸ (年轻) young (people): ~ 工 young workers Ⅱ ❶ (青草) green grass: 踏 ~ walk on the green grass — go for an outing in early spring
❷ (没有成熟的庄稼) young crops: 看~ keep watch on the ripening crops
❸ [书] (青的竹简) green bamboo strip
❹ (青海的简称) short for Qinghai Province
❺ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 文胜 Qing Wen ̄sheng
◆青帮 a secret society founded by chen yuan (陈园) toward the last years of the Qing Dynasty; 青菜 green vegetables; greens; Chinese cabbage; pakchoi; 青草 green grass; eatage; 青出于蓝而胜于蓝 Indigo blue is extracted from the indigo plant but is bluer than the plant it comes from.; Blue is extracted from the indigo plant but is bluer than the latter.; know better than one's teacher; excel one's master; progress beyond the ability of one's teacher; Successors excel the predecessor.; The pupil excels the teacher.; The pupil is superior to his teacher.; The pupil learns from and outdoes his teacher.; The pupil surpasses the master.; The worthy disciple excels his masters.; 青春 youth; youthfulness; 青春焕发 be full of vigour; be bursting with youthful energy; 青春活力 young blood; 青春美丽痘 [口] pimple; acne; blackhead; zit; 青春年少 be in one's very first youth; be quite young; He [She] is a young man [woman].; 青春期 adolescaria; pubertas; puberty; adolescence; 青春期心理卫生 the psychological hygiene of the adolescent; 青瓷 celadon (ware); 青葱 verdant; fresh green; 青翠 verdant; fresh and green; 青豆 petits pois; green soya bean; 青冈[纲] {植} oriental white oak; 青工 young worker; 青光眼 {医} glaucoma; 青果 [方] Chinese olive; white canary tree fruit; 青海 Qinghai (Province); 青蒿 Artemisia apiacea; sweet wormwood; 青红皂白 wheat and chaff; black and white; right and wrong; the hows and whys of a matter;
青花瓷 blue and white porcelain; 青黄不接 Green and yellow have not joined—a new crop has not yet come.; (The granary is nearly empty) but the new crop is not yet ripe.; food shortage between two harvests.; temporary shortage; The new crop is [has] not yet come in.; (It was the period of the spring shortage), when last season's crops were almost eaten up and the new ones were not yet ripe.; short of food before the new harvest; When the crop is still in the blade, the old stock is already consumed.; when the new crop is still in the blade and the old one is all consumed; 青灰 graphite; 青灰色 cinerous; 青椒 green pepper; 青筋 blue veins; 青衿 [书] student's dress in ancient times; 青稞 highland barley;
青睐 [书] favour; good graces; 青莲色 pale purple; heliotrope; 青龙 the God in the East worshipped by the Taoists; 青楼 [书] brothel; 青绿 dark green; 青绿山水 traditional landscape painting characterized by the prominence of blue and green colours; 青麻 piemarker; 青盲 {中医} glaucoma; 青梅 green plum; vatica astrotricha; 青梅竹马 a friendship formed in childhood — said of boys and girls; green plums and a bomboo horse — childhood games of riding on a bamboo stick for a horse; life of subteen youngsters; playmates in childhood; the period when small boys and girls play [grow up] together; When they were children, they played together; They have been like brother and sister since they were small and played naughty tricks together.; 青霉 {真菌} mould; blue mould; 青霉素 {药} penicillin; penethamate; 青面獠牙 a long-toothed man with a livid face; One's face was blue and one's teeth stuck far out.; terrifying in appearance; with a green face and ferocious fangs; with a green face and jagged teeth like a saw; (devils) with hideous blue- black faces, showing their teeth; 青苗 young crops; green shoots of grains; 青年 youth; young people; 青年会 {基督教} Young Men's Christian Association; 青年心理学 psychology of adolescene; 青年学 study of youth; 青鸟 bird messenger of Fairy God-Mother; [书] messenger; a surname; 青女素娥 green maid and white beauty — frost and moon; 青皮 pericarpium citri reticulatae viride; 青纱帐 the green curtain of tall crops; 青山 green hill; 青山叠嶂 (On all sides) green hills roll on in undulating waves.; 青山绿水 green hills and blue waters — beautiful country scene; blue hills and green streams; green mountains and rivers; 青少年 young boys and girls; teenagers; youngsters; 青少年犯罪学 juvenile criminology; 青史 annals of history; 青史留名 have a niche in history; be crowned with eternal glory; go down in history; History (will) hand down one's name.; leave one's name to posterity; 青丝 black hair (of a woman or girl); 青饲料 {澳} greenfeed; soiling food; succulence; green fodder; 青松 pine; 青松傲雪 The evergreen pine stands straight and unbending in high wind and heavy snow.; 青蒜 garlic sprouts; 青苔 moss; 青檀 {植} wingceltis; 青天 blue sky; a just judge; an upright magistrate; 青天白日 fine day; blue sky and bright sun; (in) broad daylight; 青天霹雳 (like) a bolt from the blue; an unexpected and sudden change; as a thunderbolt from the unclouded sky; a thunder clap from a blue sky; sudden and unexpected; 青铜 bronze; 青铜器时代 the Bronze Age; 青蛙 frog; common pond frog; 青瓦 grey tile; 青虾 freshwater shrimp; 青葙 {植} feather cockscomb; 青香薷 {中药} Chinese mosla; 青眼 favour; good graces; 青杨 Cathay poplar; 青瑶 {动} masked civet; gem-faced civet; 青衣 black cloth; maid; female role; 青蝇 greenbottle (fly); 青鱼 black carp; 青云 high official position; 青云直上 float upon the clouds; be promoted quickly in an official career; be promoted to higher and higher posts; come up in the world; get rapid promotion or a series of successes; have a meteoric rise; hit the highest (literary) honours; rapid advancement; rapidly to go up in the world; rapid promotion of one's position; rise to fame swiftly; 青贮 {农} ensiling; 青砖 black brick; 青紫 cyanoze; cyanoderma; cyanochroia; livor (pl. livores); {生} cyanosis







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