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单词 一声不响

一声不响yī shēng bù xiǎng

hold one’s peace; keep(/remain) silent (/quiet); keep one’s mouth shut;not make (/utter) a sound; not say a word; say nothing at all;without a word (/a sound/uttering a sound); silently
❍ 这样的话,样子天天听到。他~。(老舍《骆驼祥子》38) Xiangzi heard such talk every day,but held hisp eace.
❍ 他这时应该~的,一说,就“伤雅”,…… (《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—31) …for he should have kept quiet in order not to spoil the atmosphere of refinement,…/你说能老站在台上~么,你不响,又上来干什么呢?(知侠《铁道游击队》259) After all,I couldn’t keep standing on the platform like a dummy,could I?Why was I there if I was going to remain silent?/由于在我面前感到拘谨,也一律~,低着脑袋站在一边。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》404) They stood to one side with their heads lowered and did not make a sound.
❍ 两个眼眶,稍微有点红润,~地往床上倒下去,双手抱着头,若有所思,……(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ —99)…he lay quietly on the bed. Holding his head between his two hands,his eyes slightly moist with emotion,he began thinking to himself; …/方裕扭转了头,起初~,羞愤的眼光注视着地上的破帽子。(叶圣陶 《倪焕之》94)Fang Yu twisted his head away and for a moment said nothing,only stared with shame and anger at his tattered cap lying on the ground; …/跳蚤的来吮血,虽然可恶,而~地就是一口,何等直截爽快。(鲁迅《华盖集》30) Though fleas are unpleasant when they suck your blood,the way they bite you without a word is very straighforward and frank.
❍ 梁寒光~地望着师长。(杨佩瑾《剑》52)Speechlessly Liang riveted his eyes on the divisional commander.
❍ 小东西由白露的卧室走出来。……望着白露和李太太,一声也不响。(《曹禺选集·日出》189) The Shrimp comes out of Bailu’s bedroom.… She looks at Bailu and Mrs Li without uttering a sound.

一声不响yī shēnɡ bù xiǎnɡ

形容一声也不发出,静悄悄地做事。not say a word, not utter a sound, as quiet as a mouse, as dumb as a fish





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