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单词 震耳欲聋

震耳欲聋zhèn ěr yù lóng

deafening ; ear shattering; enough to wake the dead; make the ears tingle; piercing; stunning
❍ 当他从地上爬起来时,已失却掌握的空机车飞驶着向六孔桥上的整列载煤车冲去,只见桥上火光一闪,~的 “轰隆” 声,象沉雷样震得地面乱动弹。(知侠《铁道游击队》414) As he scrambled to his feet,the now unattended locomotive dashed madly towards the coal cars on the bridge of six arches. A blinding flash and a deafening explosion! The earth seemed to be splitting!/无数不负责任无常识之谰言,~。(《毛泽东选集》683) There is a deafening din of countless absurd slanders against them.
❍ 霎时间,汽笛声、高昂的排气声、车轮的震动声在两山之间激荡着,构成了~的共鸣。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》478) Instantly the sound of the whistle,the puffing of the engine,the thunder of the wheels,combined into a bellow that tore through the pass in an ear-shattering roar.
❍ 四点二十七分,车站上传来了~的汽笛嘶叫声。(曲波《林海雪原》568) At four twenty-seven a piercing train whistle sounded at the railway station.



震耳欲聋zhèn ěr yù lónɡ

形容声音非常大,把耳朵都快震聋了。deafening, split sb.’s ears, make the ears tingle, enough to wake the dead, raise the roof





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