释义 |
一塌糊涂yī tā hú túin a complete mess; in a muddle; in an awful (/terrible) state; in great (/wild) disorder; in utter confusion (/chaos) ❍ 市场上乱得~,有东西就抢购,黄的,白的一齐涨! (曹禺《明朗的天》 7) The whole market is in a mess. People buy up whatever is obtainable. The prices of gold and silver are both rising!/接管下来是一个烂厂,~,…… (夏衍 《考验》 9) At the taking-over,it was a wreck. Everything was in a mess. ❍ 这真是恶作剧,将韵事闹得~。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—131) This is a vile joke,ruining this elegant occasion completely. ❍ 那些骑兵散在老百姓的家里,杀鸡的杀鸡,煮肉的煮肉。“奶奶!”“丈人!” “小舅子!”骂声不绝,大甸子搅的~。(曲波《林海雪原》464) The brigand cavalrymen moved in on the peasants,where they slaughtered chickens and cooked meat,cursing furiously and turning the small village upside down. 一塌糊涂in an awful mess;in a terrible state;in a muddle;messy 一塌糊涂yī tà hūtu糊涂:混乱。形容糟糕到极点。in a complete mess, in utter confusion, confusion worse confounded, a hell of a mess |