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单词 一团乱麻

一团乱麻yī tuán luàn má

like a ball of tangled flexen thread—❶be confused and disconcerted;
❷[said of a problem] be knotty
❍ 这时,童少英心里正象~,很伤心夫死子幼无依靠,也想着自己年轻,怕将来又会受苦,听到昌老这一篇话,觉得伯伯这样关怀她,真好。(李六如 《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—14) This suggestion came at a time when Shaoying was in a miserable state of despondency. The loss of her husband when she was so young and all her children still so small made her fear that she might have to return to her former arduous life. Her brother-in-law’s kind offer nat urally impressed her.

一团乱麻yī tuán luàn má

比喻心绪或事物紊乱。confusion of ideas or of thing, be knotly





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