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单词 一回生,二回熟

一回生,二回熟头回生,二回熟;一遭生,两遭熟yī huí shēng , èr huí shú

awkward at first,but easy afterwards; clumsy at first but skilful later on;green at the first time,experienced the second; soon get to know each other; started out as strangers,now are friends; strangers at first meeting,friends at the second
❍ 一回生,两回熟,只要专心,还有打不出水的井,挖不开的山! (李准《不能走这条路》122) Green at the first time,experienced at the second. Persevere.You’re bound to strike water if you dig deep enough;there isn’t any mountain that can’t be cut through./“咱们是一遭生,两遭熟!”黄新仁三杯烧酒落肚,话匣子就唱开了。(冯志《敌后武工队》381) “We started out as strangers,now we’re friends! ”Huang Xinren had already downed three cups of liquor and continued volubly: …/~,见一面就算老朋友。(杜鹏程《保卫延安》91)Strangers once met; twice met,old friends.
❍ 特务也眉开眼笑。“头回生,二回熟嘛!”(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》498) The warder grinned. “Strangers the first time,friends the second!”/梁生宝! 梁代表! 要是你们今日搭不起茅棚,黑间可到咱这里来歇哇。~啊!(柳青《创业史》395) Comrade Shengbao,if you can’t get your hut finished by dark,come back and spend the night here. Strangers at first meeting,friends at the second.

一回生,二回熟yi hui sheng,er hui shu

strangers at the first meeting,friends at the second


❶first time strangers,second time old friends;strangers at the first meeting,friends at the second;ill at ease the first time,feel at home the second
❷first time awkward (or clumsy),second time skilful;difficult at first,easy later on





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