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单词 一动不动

一动不动yī dòng bù dòng

keep still; not stir an eyelid; quite immobile; quietly; wait where one is
❍ 她立刻转身,那人影钉在那里,~。(《曹禺选集·日出》150)She at once turns round. The figure stays rooted to the spot,quite immobile.
❍ 他只~地看着田亩; 手里的扇子轻轻摇动,驱逐那些飞来的小雀,……(《叶圣陶选集·稻草人》359) Quietly he watches over the fields,gently waving the fan in his hand to drive away the little birds…/我使劲一扯绳子,撞针的横梢掉了,可是炮弹却不声不响,我们伏着一动也不敢动。(吴运铎《把一切献给党》142) I pulled the string; the shear pin came off but nothing else happened. We waited where we were for a while,…

一动不动yī dònɡ bù dònɡ

形容一点也不敢动弹。not move an inch, keep still, quietly, be perfectly still





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