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单词 一仍旧贯

一仍旧贯yī réng jiù guàn

follow the beaten track(/path); follow the old routine; get into a rut; let things remain the same; stick to the old practice
❍ 鲁人为长府。闵子骞曰:“仍旧贯,如之何?何必改作?”(《论语·先进》)Some parties in Lu were going to take down and rebuild the Long Treasury. Min Ziqian said,“Suppose it were to be repaired after its old style;—why must it be altered and made anew? ”/时代变了,我们就不能~。Times have changed,so we cannot follow the beaten track.

一仍旧贯yi reng jiu guan

be in a rut

一仍旧贯yī rénɡ jiù ɡuàn

一:都,全;仍:依照;贯:指习惯的办法。表示完全按过去的办法、以前的制度办事。follow the old routine, stick to the old practice, follow the beaten path





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