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单词 一人得道,鸡犬升天

一人得道,鸡犬升天yī rén dé dào , jī quǎn shēng tiān

a general would always promote his own rel atives first; unashamed nepotism when a man attains the Tao (enlightenment and immortality),even his pets ascend to heaven—when a man gets to the top,all his friends and relations get there with him
❍ 照他手下人们的说法,这就是俗语所说的:“朝里有人好做官”,“~”。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅰ—193) From his subor dinates’ point of view,a general would always promote his own relatives first.
❍ 在旧社会,~。今天,任人唯亲,依赖裙带关系是绝对不行的。In the old society,when a man got to the top,all his friends and relations got there with him. But today it will never do if anyone appoints people by favouritism and resorts to nepotism.

一人得道,鸡犬升天yi ren de dao,ji quan sheng tian

when a man attains the Tao,even his pets ascend to heaven—when a man gets to the top,all his friends and relations get there with him


when you get to the top,even your chickens and dogs ascend to heaven;when a man gets to the top,all his friends and relatives get there with him;when one is promoted,all those connected with him benefit;nepotism is rampant

一人得道,鸡犬升天yī rén dé dào,jī quǎn shēnɡ tiān

一个人得道成仙,连他家的鸡狗也跟着升入仙界。比喻一个人做官得势,与之有关的人也跟着发迹。When a man gets to the top, all his friends and relations get there with him. a general would always promote his own relatives first





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