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❶ (美丽; 好看) beautiful; pretty: 她长得挺 ~, 不是吗? She's quite pretty, isn't she? 小姑娘长得真 ~ 呀! What a beautiful girl! 这个公园 ~ 得无法形容。 The park is beautiful beyond description.
❷ (令人满意; 好) satisfactory; satisfying ; good; pleasing : 完 ~ perfect; 价廉物 ~ good and cheap; 日子过得挺 ~ live quite happily Ⅱ ❶ (使美丽) beautify; prettify: ~ 容 make up one's looks; improve a woman's looks
❷ [方] (得意) pride oneself upon; be pleased with oneself: ~ 得了不得 take too much pride in oneself Ⅲ ❶ (指美洲) short for America: 南 ~ South America; 北 ~ North America
❷ (指美国) the United States of America
◆美不胜收 too beautiful to be absorbed all at once; be a feast for the eyes; more beauty than one can absorb; so many beautiful things that one simply can't take them all in; too many beautiful [excellent] things to be fully appreciated all at once; 美餐 feast; 美差 cushy job; 美钞 United States note; 美称 laudatory title; good name; 美丑 beauty and ugliness; 美德 virtue; moral excellence; 美吨 short ton; 美感 aesthetic feeling; aesthetic perception; sense of beauty; 美工 art designing; art designer; 美观 pleasing to the eye; beautiful to look at; beautiful; artistic; 美观大方 elegant appearance; 美观耐用 attractive and durable; 美国 the United States of America (U.S.A.); the United States (U.S.); the States; America; 美好 fine; happy; glorious; fragrant; 美化 beautify; prettify; embellish; 美景 beautiful scenery [landscape]; fine view; 美酒 good wine; 美酒佳肴 good wine and dainty dishes; excellent wine and delicious food; good wine and delicacies; vintage [quality] wine and choice food; 美拉尼西亚 Melanesia; 美丽 beautiful; 美满 perfectly satisfactory; 美满姻缘 a beautiful and satisfactory matrimonial connection; a happy marriage; conjugal felicity; 美貌 (of looks, face) beautiful; 美梦 fond dream; 美妙 beautiful; splendid; wonderful; 美名 good name; good reputation; 美男子 handsome man; very good looking man; 美女 beautiful woman; beauty; 美其名曰 describe euphemistically as “...”; be wrapped in nice-sounding phrase; call it by the fine-sounding name of ...; euphemistically called; give sth. the fine-sounding name of; 美人 beautiful woman; beauty; 美人计 use a seductive woman to corrupt sb.; use of a woman to ensnare a man; sex-trap; 美人蕉 canna; India shot; 美容 improve one's looks; cosmetology; 美容师 cosmetologist; 美容霜 vanishing cream; 美容院 beauty parlour; 美容中心 beauty center; 美若天仙 pretty as a fairy; beautiful like a fairy; 美色 attractive woman; woman's beauty; 美食 fine food; delicacy; 美食家 gastronome; find-food eater; 美食节 Food Festival; Delicious Festival; 美术 the fine arts; art; painting; 美谈 a story passed on with approval; 美味 delicious food; delicacy; delicious; dainty; tasty; 美学 aesthetics; 美言 put in a good word for sb.; say a good word for; put a (good) word in for; 美肴佳餐 a slapping [slap-up] dinner; a slick meal; 美意 good intention; kindness; 美育 aesthetic education; art education; 美元 American dollar; U.S. dollar; dols.; 美中不足 beautiful yet incomplete — in want of perfection; a blemish in an otherwise perfect thing; a flaw in an apparently perfect thing; a [the] fly in the ointment; an unpleasant part of a pleasant thing; some blemishes in an apparently perfect thing; some slight imperfection; sth. lackinng in perfection; There is a flaw in the deed.; 美洲 America; 美洲国家组织 Organization of American States (OAS)






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