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单词 一丝不挂

一丝不挂寸丝不挂yī sī bù guà

be in one’s skin; be buck (/stark) naked; be totally nude; have not a rag to one’s back; have not a (single) stitch on; in the altogether; in a state of nature; in the nude; without a shred (/vestige) of clothing on
❍ 而关键正在于这些老爷们现在不能叫自己的真名,不能够这样,就象一个人不能~地上大街一样。The fact is that these gentlemen cannot call themselves by their real names yet,any more than they can go out into the street naked.
❍ 大约三十岁左右,体格高大,紫色脸,象是乡下人,全身赤条条的~。(鲁迅《故事新编》121) He is a tall,ruddy-faced man of about thirty,a peasant by the look of him. He is stark naked.


stark-naked;in the nude

一丝不挂yī sī bù ɡuà

形容人没有穿什么衣服;比喻人不受世俗的感情所牵累;泛指毫无牵连拖累。be stark naked, without a shred of clothing on, be in one’s skin





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