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单词 一丘之貉

一丘之貉yī qiū zhī hé

jackals from the same lair; be tarred with the same brush (/stick); birds of a (/one) feather; cut from the same cloth;scoundrels of the same ilk
❍ 我们的作者倘不竭力的抛弃了它,是会和他们成为“~” 的。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—164)…for unless our authors strive might and main to do away with it they may become birds of a feather.
❍ 增加混乱的倒是有些悲观论者,不施考察,不加批评,但用“彼亦一是非,此亦一是非”的论调,将一切作者,诋为“~”。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—304) In fact it is these pessimists who increase the chaos by saying there is reason on both sides,without examining the situation or passing censure,but considering all writers birds of one feather.


jackals from the same lair;birds of a feather

一丘之貉yī qiū zhī hè

丘:小山;貉:一种野兽,形似狐狸。同在一个小山里的貉。比喻都是同类的事物,没有差别;也比喻都是一样的坏人。birds of a feather, of the same cloth as, from the same litter





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