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单词 一世龙门

一世龙门yī shì lóng mén

the outstanding figures whom the scholars admire and respect
❍ 李元礼风格秀整,高自标持,欲以天下名教是非为己任,后进之士,有升其堂者,皆以为登龙门。(刘义庆《世说新语·德行》) Li Ying’s manner and style were outstanding and proper,and he maintained a haughty dignity. He wished to take on himself the responsibility for the Moral Teaching and right and wrong for the whole realm.Among the gentlemen who later progressed in office,if any succeeded “ascending to his hall,’ they all felt they had climbed through the Dragon Gate.
❍ 衍既有盛才美貌,明悟若神,常自比子贡。兼声名籍甚,倾动当世。……朝野翕然,谓之“~”矣。(《晋书·王衍传》) Wang Yan had brilliant talents and good looks,and was as wise as a sage. He often compared himself to Zigong(disciple of Confucius). Moreover,he enjoyed a far-flung fame at the time…He was generally referred to as “the most prominent figure of the time” throughout the country.





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