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单词 flat
flat2/flæt/ adj [-tt-];adv & n

adj (1) 平直(滑,坦)的(leveleven):a~roof/land平顶/平坦的土地;(countryside/floor/lower meadow) be quite/absolutely~(野外/地板/低草地)十分/非常平坦;a large~surface to write on/for writing on 一个可供书写的大平面;~racing 平地赛马;~spin 近乎水平盘旋下滑;~-iron 熨斗;〖同〗level,even,smooth,plane,regular;〖反〗rough,uneven,irregular;
 (2) 平坦的,展开的(spread out;lying horizontally and at full length) [无comp]:lie~on one's back 伸开四肢仰卧;a~geometric figure 展开的几何图形;The earth was once thought to be~. 人们曾认为地球是扁平的。They took their naps,lying~on the floor. 他们平躺在地板上,小睡一会儿。〖同〗level;
 (3) 扁(浅)的(not deep or high) [无comp]:a~box/cap/peach 一个扁盒子/一顶扁平帽/一个蟠桃;a huge man with a broad~nose 一个鼻子宽而扁的高大男人;~dishes/pans/cakes 浅碟/浅锅/薄饼;
 (4) (乐)降低半音的((of a tone) lowered a half step in pitch;lower in pitch than is correct) [作pred]:D~降D调;The last note/Your piano/His violin/She is~. 最后一个音符/你的钢琴/他的小提琴/她低了半音。
 (5) 直截了当的,断然的(without qualification;absolute or positive) [无comp][作attrib]:give a~“no” to sb's request 对某人的请求断然地说“不”;give sb a~rejection/refusal 断然回绝/拒绝某人;〖同〗absolute,complete,total,positive,direct;
 (6) 轮胎跑气((of a tyre) with little or no air in it) [作pred]:have a~tyre 轮胎没气了;My tyre has gone~. 我的车胎没气了。
 (7) 走气(味)的(having lost its flavorsharpnessas wine or food) :The Coca-Cola/beer/soda is~. 这可口可乐/啤酒/汽水走气了。a~drink/food/lemonade 淡而无味的饮料/食物/柠檬水;The ginger ale went~after being left open. 那瓶姜汁酒由于开着盖,走气了。〖同〗tasteless;
 (8) (电池)电量不足的,没电的((of a battery) having lost some or all of its electrical power):The battery has gone~. 电池没电了。
 (9) 乏味的,单调的(dull;lifeless;showing no emotion in one's voices) [作pred]:spend a very~weekend 度过一个非常单调乏味的周末;a~performance/party 单调的演出/晚会;speak in a~voice 用平淡乏味的嗓音讲话;(as)~as a pancake 平淡无奇的;
 (10) 生意平淡的(not having much business):a~market 生意平淡的市场;
 (11) 1) 缺乏层次感,色调平淡(without shading) [作pred]:~colours/paintings 色调平淡的颜色/缺乏层次感的油画;2) 没有光泽的((of paint) not glossy):a~paint 没有光泽的颜料;
 (12) 固定的(without modification or variation):a~price/rate/fare 统一的价格/费用/收费;
 (13) 正好的(exactly)(infml):Dinner will be ready in two minutes~. 晚饭再过两分钟整就准备好了。run the race in 50 seconds~用50秒整跑完赛跑的全程;〖同〗exactly;
 (14) 扁平足的((of feet) not having normal arches) [无comp]:
 and that's flat 就这么定了:I'm not going and that's~. 我不去了,就这么定了。
 fall flat 完全失败;The picnic fell~because of the rain. 由于下雨,野餐告吹了。
 → ′flatly adv 平淡地;断然地;′flatness n 平淡;͵flat-′bottomed adj (指船)平底的;′flatcar n 平板车;′flat-fish n 比目鱼;͵flat-′footed adj 扁平足的;
 adv (1) 低调地(below the true pitch):sing~唱歌低半度;play the violin/piano~拉小提琴/弹钢琴低半度;
 (2) 断然地,完全地(positively;absolutely;completely):He was told~that he couldn't leave early. 他被直截了当地告知不能早走。go~against sb's orders/one's promise 公然违抗某人的命令/违背自己的诺言;The man gambled and was soon~broke. 这个人赌博,很快就完全破产了。
 flat out 竭尽全力地:I ran~out but I still missed the bus. 我拼命往前跑,但还是没赶上汽车。
  n (2) 平面部分(flat surfaceside or part of anything) [Cthe~]:the~of an oar/a sword 桨面/剑背;the~of the hand 手掌;
 (2) 平地(area of levellow-lying ground) [C,通常pl]:wade into the mud/the salt~s 涉过泥滩/盐地;〖同〗shallow;
 (3) 降半音音符(sign (b) which makes a note a semitone lower) [C]:many~s in the tune 这首曲调中有许多降半音音符;
 (4) 漏气轮胎(tyre with little or no air in it) [C]:get a~on the way home 在回家的路上,车胎漏气了;〖同〗puncture





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