释义 |
wrongn. 1.injustice,anything unjust,what is unfair 不公正,不公正的事情,不公平的事。 △ 2H.IV.4.1.67: “I have inequal balance justly weighed / What wrongs our armsmay do,what wrongs we suffer,”我已经在平等的天平上衡量过我们的武力可能造成的损害和我们自己所遭受的冤屈。 △2H.IV.5.1.58 (52): “Go to,I say,he shall haveno wrong. ” i.e. suffer no injustice,be fairly treated.好了,我不让他受冤枉就是。 △3H.VI.1.1.176: “Whatwrong is this unto the Prince your son!”这对于你的太子多么不公正呀! △3H.VI. 3.3.77:“Yet heavens are just,and time suppresseth wrongs.”但上天是公正的,时间会消除种种不平。 △R.III.1. 3. 306 (305): “I cannot blameher; by God’s holy mother,/ She hath had too muchwrong,”我不能怪罪她;以上帝的圣母发誓,她受的委屈太多了。 △ R.III.5.1.29:“Wrong hath but wrong,” i.e.This unjust death is only retribution for the unjust deaths I have been responsible for. 冤案只能以冤案结束。 △ Oth.1.1. 128 (127): “If this be known to you,and your allowance. /We then have done you bold and saucy wrongs;”假如这事你早知道,而且得到了你的允许,那么我们是太鲁莽无礼,对不起你了。 2. hurt,harm,injury,loss,mischief,danger 伤害,损害,损伤,损失,危害。 △ Com.2.2.176 (172):“wrong not that wrong with a more contempt.”不要再用更大的轻蔑来加重那种伤害。 △ L.L.L.5.2.731 (723): “I have seen the day of wrong through the little hole of discretion,” i.e.I have seen the danger (from Costard) and have avoided it with a little discretion. 通过一点能屈能伸的手腕,我总算逃脱了(考斯塔德给我的)这场危难。 △Mid.2. 1. 240: “Your wrongs do set a scandal on my sex.”你欺负我,使我们女性蒙受了耻辱。 △Lr.4.7.45 (44):“You do me wrong to take me out o’the grave.”你把我从坟墓中拉出来,倒是害了我了。 △2H. IV. Ind. 40:“They bring smooth comforts false,worse than true wrongs.”他们带来了虚假的令人愉快的喜讯,那比真正的危害还更糟糕。 △2H.IV.1.1.161: “This strained passion doth you wrong,my lord.”爵爷,这种过度的激愤对你会有伤身体的。 △2H.IV.4.1.67: “I have in equal balance justly weighed / What wrongs our arms may do,what wrongs we suffer.”我已经在平等的天平上衡量过我们的武力可能造成的损害和我们自己所遭受的冤屈(又译:损害)。 △3H.VI.3.3.231: “Tell him from me that he hath done me wrong,”替我告诉他,他得罪了我。 △ R.III.1.3.324 (323):“I do the wrong,and first begin to brawl.”我伤害了人,我又首先发出叫嚷。 △R.III.4.4.378 (377):“God’s wrong is most of all.”对上帝的损害是最大的罪过。 have wrong: suffer injustice,receive in jury 受到委屈.受到伤害。 △2H.IV.2.2.106 (96): “An you do not make him be hanged among you,the gallows shall have wrong.”要是你们不弄得他跟你们一起上绞架,绞架就算受了委屈。 his wrong: wrong done to him,wrong he has suffered 对他的冤枉.他所受的冤屈。 △1H.VI.2.5.22:“Poor gentleman! His wrong doth equal mine.”可怜的人! 他所受的冤屈也和我不相上下。 3. sense of injury 委屈。 △Oth. 2. 1.153: “Bade her wrong stay,”却自己打消了委屈。 4. disgrace,insult 耻辱,侮辱。 △Lr.4.2.13:“He’ll not feel wrongs / Which tie him to an answer.”受了非报复不可的侮辱.他也不以为意。 △Lr.4.2.50: “Milk-livered man,/ That bear’st a cheek for blows,a head for wrongs;”胆小的人,你只有一副挨打的脸皮,一个受侮辱的脑袋。 △Mid.3.2.361:“Then stir Demetrius up with bitter wrong;”用刻毒的话激得狄米特律斯发火。 △2H.IV.1.1.90:“And make thee rich for doing me such wrong.”并且由于你给我这种侮辱而重重赏你。 △2H.IV. 2.1.42 (37):“unless a woman should be made an ass and a beast,to bear every knave’s wrong.”除非把女人当做一头驴、一个畜牲,忍受每一个坏蛋的欺负。 △1H.VI. 3.4. 41:“But I’ll unto his Majesty,and crave/ I may have liberty to venge this wrong,”但是我要去见陛下,请他准我有雪耻的权利。 △1H.VI.4.1. 85: “With him,my lord, for he hath done me wrong.”跟他决斗,陛下.因为他侮辱了我。 △3H.VI.3.3. 197:“I will revenge his wrong to Lady Bona,”他对波娜郡主的侮辱.我要向他报复。 5. offence. trespass罪过,侵犯。 △2H.VI.1.3.22(19):“Thy wife too?That's some wrong indeed.”连你的老婆也霸占了吗? 那可真是罪过。 △3H.VI.3.1.48: “WhilesWarwick tells his title,smooths the wrong.”而沃里克仍在讲述他的要求,掩饰他的罪过。 △R.III.4.4.375:“'Tisfull of thy foul wrongs.”世界上充满了你所犯下的丑恶的罪过。 6. wrong-doing,evil act坏事,罪恶行径。 △Ado.5.1.312 (299):“packed in all this wrong,”成为这件罪行的同谋。 △H.V.1.2.27: “whose wrongs gives edge untothe swords/That make such waste in brief mortality.”他的肆意妄为发动了刀兵,使生命本来短暂的世人更遭受一番摧残。 △2H.VI.5.1.189:“And have no other reason for this wrong / But that he was bound by a solemnoath?”而犯这种罪行没有其他理由,只因受到一次庄严誓言的束缚吗? △R.III.5.1.18: “This,this All-Souls' Day tomy fearful soul/Is the determined respite of mywrongs. ”今天,这个万灵节,对于我这充满恐惧的灵魂来说,就是我长期作恶的最后结束之日。 7. ❶anything unjust,injustice不公正的事,冤屈。 ❷in-jury,harm伤害,损害。 △R.III.5.3.145(144):“Awakeand think our wrongs in Richard's bosom/Will (i.e.that will) conquer him!”醒来吧,想一想我们所受到的那些冤屈(又译:伤害)压在理查的心中,它们就会把他征服!8. ❶error错误。 ❷harm,damage损害,损失。 do oneself wrong: put oneself in the wrong,be mis-taken; do damage to oneself弄错了,错了;使自己受到损失。 △2H.IV.3.2.275(254): “Sir John,Sir John,do not yourself wrong.”约翰爵士,约翰爵士,你可别弄错了(又译:你可别让自己吃了亏)。
wronga. wrong belief: misapprehension误会。 △1H.VI.2.3.31:“Marry. for that she's in a wrong belief,/I go tocertify her Talbot's here.”哎,因为她现在有了某种误会,我要向她证明塔尔博特已经来到这里。
wrongvt. 1. do injustice to. impute evil unjustly to不公正对待,使受冤屈。 △Tw.4.2.32 (28): “Sir Topas,never wasman thus wronged. ”托巴斯师傅,从来不曾有人被人这样冤枉过。 △Mer.1.3.171 (170):“And for my love I prayyou wrong me not.”为了我这番好意,请你们可别冤屈了我。 △Rom.1.5.101 (97): “Good pilgrim,you do wrongyour hand too much.”好香客,你怪罪你的手未免太不公平。 △2H.IV.4.1.77: “When we are wronged and wouldunfold our griefs.”当我们受了冤屈,想诉一诉我们的冤情。 △H.VIII.3.1.80 (81): “Madam,you wrong theKing's love with these fears.”夫人,你这些疑虑实在有负于国王的厚爱。 2. offend,do harm,injure,cause to suffer冒犯,损害,伤害,使受痛苦。 △1H.VI.2.5. 109: “Thou dost thenwrong me,as that slaughterer doth/Which givethmany wounds when one will kill.”你那样就使我多受苦了,正像刽子手本来可以一刀把人杀死的,却故意多戳几个伤口。 △3H.VI.3.2.74-75:“Therein thou wrong'st thy chil-dren mightily.”/“Herein your Highness wrongs boththem and me.”“那样一来,你就大大伤害了你的孩子们。”“这样一来,陛下就把他们和我都伤害了。” △R.III.4.4.373(372): “If something thou wouldst swear to bebelieved,/ Swear then by something that thou hastnot wronged.”如果你想发什么誓要人相信的话,你就凭着你没有伤害过的什么东西发誓吧。 △R.III.4.4.422 (421):“Ay,if yourself's remembrance wrong yourself.”对,如果你自己的记忆对你自己有害的话。 3. do one dishonour,disgrace使(人)蒙受耻辱,侮辱。 △Wiv.4.2.165 (154):“this wrongs you.”这使你有失体面。 △Ado. 2. 2. 23:“he hath wronged his honour”,他玷污了自己的名誉。 △1H.VI.2.1.16: “Coward ofFrance(i.e. the Dauphin),how much he wrongs hisfame,”法兰西的懦夫,他多么严重地玷辱了自己的名誉呀。 △2H.VI.3.2.211:“If ever lady wronged her lord somuch,”要说哪个贵妇人这样玷辱过她的夫君。 △2H.VI.4.10.81 (76):“How much thou wrong'st me,heaven bemy judge.”你这话是多么侮辱了我,让上天裁判吧。 △R.III4.4.212: “Wrong not her birth,she is a royal prin-cess.”不要污损她的出身,她是一位高贵的公主。 4. do an offence to,deal harshly or cruelly with对…侵犯,欺侮,残酷对待。 △Wiv.3.4.73 (69):“You wrongme,sir. thus still to haunt my house.”你也太欺人了,先生,老是这样往我家里跑。 △Lr. 1. 3. 4 (3): “By day andnight he wrongs me.” i.e. At all time he deals harshlywith me. 不论在白天夜晚,他总欺侮我。 △1H.VI. 4. 7. 49:“For that which we have fled/During the life,let usnot wrong it dead.”他生前既为我们所逃避,他死了我们也不要糟蹋他。 wrong[rɔŋ]n.错误 adj.错误的,不正当的,道德不好的 adv.错误地,失常地 ◇ bark up the wrong tree 错怪了某人 be born on the wrong side of the blanket 私生 be in the wrong 理亏,谬误,错 catch sb. on the wrong thing 出其不意 do the wrong thing 不幸的是 get hold of the wrong end of the stick完全误解 get sb. wrong 误会,误解 rub sb.up the wrong way 惹恼某人 ‖ wrong-answer frame 错误 wrong ball 对方的球 wrong choice 错误选择 wrong court 错区 wrong direction 相反方向 wrong foot 不熟练的脚 wrong player 错接球 wrong position 位置错误 wrong side of the fence 争论中错误的一方 wrong side of the tracks 贫民阶层 wrong stick 棍背击球 wrong target 错靶 wrong written or mispronounced characters 错别字 wrongdoer n. 做坏事的人 wrongdoing n.坏事,不道德行为 wrongdoing state 不法行为国家 wrongful adj.不正当的 wrongful collision 非法碰撞 wrongful competition 不公平竞争 wrongful dismissal非法解雇 wrongful interference with goods不法妨害货物 wrongful prosecution 非法的告发,非法的检举 wrongfully adv.不正当地,不妥地,有毛病地 wronghead n.判断(看法)错误的人,固执己见者 wrong-headed adj.执迷不悟的 wrongly adv.错误地,不正当地 wrongly written character or mispronounced character 白字,别字 wrongous adj.非法的,违法的,不道德行为 wrongness n.谬误,不当 |