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单词 witness


1. testimony,evidence; tell-tale 证明,证据;泄露真相的事物。
△Ado.2.3.49 (46):“It is the witness still of ex-cellency”,那更是卓越的证明。
△Mac.2.2.47 (43):“Goget some water,/ And wash this filthy witness fromyour hand.”i.e. wash the blood from your hand. 去找点水,洗掉你手上这点肮脏的证据。
△1H.VI.3.4.37:“Hark ye,not so. In witness,take ye that.”你听着,不是如此。为了证明,你接受这个吧。
with a witness: leaving a mark behind as a testimo-ny. i.e.obviously,manifestly留下作为证剧的痕迹,(即)明显地,明目张胆地。
△Shr.5.1.121(118):“Here's pack-ing,with a witness,to deceive us all!”他们结成一伙,明目张胆地欺骗我们!
2. one who bears testimony,testimony 证人,证言。
△H.VIII.5.1.136 (135):“Ween you of better luck,I mean in perjured witness,than your Master.”难道你竟梦想,我的意思是说在发伪誓的证人( 又译:证言)面前,能有比你的主耶稣更好的命运吗?
witnesses above: i.e.gods in heaven 天上的见证人,(指)天上的神明。
△Tw.5.1.141 (137):“If I do feign,youwitnesses above / Punish my life for tainting of mylove!”我若作假,天上的神明鉴察,对我的玷污爱情之罪严加惩罚!


vt. bear witness to,give testimony to,testify为…作证,对…提供证明,证实。
△R.III.3.5.68 (69):“Which,since you come too late of our intent,/ Yetwitness what you hear we did intend.”这件事嘛,就我们的本意而言,你来晚了一步,不过你还是可以根据你所听到的话为我们的意图作证。
△Mid.5.1.25:“More witnesseth thanfancy's images.”可以证明不仅是幻想中的景象。
△Oth.1.3.170:“Here comes the lady; let her witness it.”小姐来了;让她来证实吧。
~ vi. bear witness,prove作证,证明。
△ 2H.IV.4.5.148(149):“God witness with me,” 上帝为我作证。
△1H.VI.4.5.43: “You cannot witness for me,being slain.”i.e. if you are killed. 如果你被杀害,你就无法为我作证。


n. 目击者,证人,见证人 v.目睹,见证
◇ attend as witness 到场作证
bear witness 证明
in witness of 为了证明
‖ witness box (stand)证人席
witness for the defence 被告证人
witness for the prosecution原告证人
witness order 出庭作证令
witness’s oath 证人的誓言
witness warrant 逮捕证人令
witnessing part 证明部分





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