释义 |
whetvt. 1.sharpen,make keen 磨快,使锋利。 △2H.IV.4.5.105(106): “Thou hidest a thousand daggers in thythoughts,/ Which thou hast whetted on thy stonyheart / To stab at half an hour of my life.”你的思想中藏着一千把刀子,在你那铁石的心上磨快,向着我这只剩半小时的生命刺杀。 △R.III.1.3.244 (243): “Fool. fool,thouwhet’st a knife to kill thyself.”蠢材,蠢材,你不过是把刀磨快杀你自己。 △Ham.3.4.109 (110):“This visitation /Is but to whet thy almost blunted purpose.”我这次来只是为了要磨砺你的几乎变钝的决心。 2. provoke,excite,incite,instigate 激发,使激动,煽动,挑唆。 △Tw.3.1.17 (105): “Madam. I come to whetyour gentle thoughts / On his behalf.”小姐,我正是为他挑逗你的情思而来的。 △ H. VIII.3.2.92 (91):“May be hehears the King / Does whet his anger to him.”也许他听说国王要对他发脾气了。 3. urge. stimulate 催促,激励。 △ R.III.1.3.332(331):“Now they believe it. and withal whet me / To be re-venged on Rivers. Dorset. Grey.”现在他们都相信了,而且还催促我向利佛斯、道尔赛特、葛雷报仇。(按: Dorset 又作Vaughan “伏根”,王后的另一亲信之名。)Phrase: whet on: encourage,excite,stimulate,instigate 鼓励,激发,激励,挑唆。 △ 2H.VI.2.1.32: “I prithee peace.good queen,/ And whet not on these furious peers;”我请你不要开口,好王后,不要再挑动这两位正发火的贵族。 △ 3H.VI.1.2.36: “Brother. thou shalt to Londonpresently. / And whet on Warwick to this enter-prise.”兄弟,你立刻到伦敦去,激励沃里克进行此事。 |