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单词 鞭长莫及

鞭长莫及鞭长不及马腹biān cháng mò jí

above (/out of)one’s reach (/powers); beyond one’s ability to help; beyond one’s compass (/depth/grasp/power/reach/strength); beyond the capacity (/reach) of one’s power (/authority); too far away for one to be able to help; cannot do it much as one would like to/“发现了些什么问题吗?”李科长抽着纸烟说:“难,山高皇帝远,真是~!”(草明《原动力》29) “What problems have cropped up?” asked Manager Li puffing at his cigarette. “Difficult.‘The mountain’s high,the Emperor far away’; really‘Although the whip is long it cannot reach them!’”/古人有言曰: “虽鞭之长,不及马腹。”(《左传·宣十五年》)The ancients had a saying that,however long the whip was,it did not reach the horse’s belly.

鞭长莫及biān chánɡ mò jí

比喻力量达不到。too far away for one to be able to help, beyond the reach of one’s power, beyond one’s compass





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更新时间:2025/3/3 6:50:38