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单词 waste


1. act of wasting. i.e. punning on waist 浪费,( 双关)腰围。
△2H.IV.1.2.161(140):“Your means are veryslender,and your waste is great.”你的收入很微小,你的浪费(双关:腰围)却很大。
2. something wasted or destroyed 荒废之物,毁损之物。
△ 2H.IV.1.3.62:“And waste for churlish winter’s tyranny.”成为饱受粗暴的寒冬摧残之物。
3. destruction,devastation 破坏,蹂躏。
△H.V.1.2.27:“whose wrongs gives edge unto the swords / Thatmake such waste in brief mortality.”i.e. who wrong-fully wages war,so destroying the brief lives of men.他的肆意妄为发动了刀兵,使生命本来短暂的世人更遭受一番摧残。
△H.V.3.3.17:“all fell feats / Enlinked to wasteand desolation?”一切破坏蹂躏的勾当。
4. empty expanse,(used figuratively) the desolatehours about midnight 荒野,(转义)荒凉午夜,深更半夜。
△Ham. 1. 2. 198:“the dead waste”,死寂的深更半夜。5. looseness of morals,corruption,dissipation 道德败坏,堕落,胡闹。
△Wiv.4.2.229(211):“he will never,Ithink,in the way of waste,attempt us again.”我想,他出来胡闹时,再也不会来冒犯我们了。


1. spend,pass 消磨,度过。
△Mer.3.4.12: “That doconverse and waste the time together.” 在一起谈心消磨时光。
△ Mid.2.1.57:“Amerrier hour was never was-ted there.”从来没有度过更快活的时候。
△As.2.4.95(94):“I like this place. And willingly could wastemy time in it.”我喜欢这个地方,很愿意在这里消磨我的时光。
2. consume,use up 消耗,用尽。
△ 2H.IV.4.1.215(213):“Besides,the King hath wasted all his rodsOn late offenders,”此外,国王已经把他的棍棒在以前犯上作乱的人们身上用尽了。
△ Oth.4.2.187(185):“I have was-ted myself out of my means.”我的钱财都消耗净尽了。
3. wear away,consume 耗损,消耗。
△3H.VI.3.2.125:“Would he were wasted,marrow,bones,and all,”但愿他的身子连骨髓、骨头全部耗尽。
4. consume,i. e. eat 消耗,(指)吃掉。
△As.2.7.134;“And we will nothing waste till you return.”在你回来之前我们绝对不把东西吃掉。
5. make desolate,ruin,damage,destroy 使荒凉,毁坏,损害,破坏。
△1H.VI.2.3.40: “That hast by tyrannythese many years / Wasted our country,slain our citi-zens,”你这么多年来用残暴手段破坏我们的国家,屠杀我们的人民。
6. efface,obliterate 消除,使消失。
△2H.IV.4.5.213(214):“that action,hence borne out,/ May waste thememory of the former days.”这样一来,在外国进行的军事行动就可以消除往日的回忆。
7.❶ ruin,lay waste 毁坏,蹂躏。
❷ squander 浪费,挥霍。
△Com.2.1.90:“Then he hath wasted it.”那是他把它摧毁掉(又译:荒废了)的。


◇ go to waste=run to waste 被浪费
waste away逐渐衰弱下去
‖ waste ball 弃球
waste book 流水账
waste clerk 暂记员
waste disposal plant 污水处理装置
waste fuel 废燃料
waste gas 废气
waste gas emission standard 废气排放标准
waste gas or steam 废气
waste gas purification 废气净化
waste instruction 空指令
waste land 荒地
waste matter 糟粕
waste money and manpower 劳民伤财
waste motion 多余动作
waste of time 延误比赛时间
waste one’s breath 白费口舌
waste paper 废纸
waste pitch 弃球
waste product 废品
waste recovery 废物回收
Waste Reduction Committee 减少废物委员会
Waste Reduction Task Force for the Government 政府部门减废工作组
waste storage farm 废物贮存场
waste treatment 废物处理
waste utilization 废物利用
wasted move 废棋
wasting assets 损耗资产
wasting police manpower 浪费警力
wasting police time 浪费警察时间
wasting time 故意拖延(比赛)时间
wasteful adj.浪费的,挥霍的
wastefully adj.废弃的,多余的
wastefulness n. 毁损





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