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单词 want


1.not to have,go without,be without没有,无。
△Lr.1.1.281(278): “You have obedience scanted. / Andwell are worth the want that you have wanted.”i.e.You well deserve to go without what you have notgot; you well deserve to be treated unkindly by yourhusband,because of your own lack of affection foryour father. 你吝于孝顺,所以你活该也得不到你自己不肯给人的东西。(按:意谓你对父亲没有感情,将来你丈夫也不会好好待你。)
△Rom.2.2.155: “A thousand times the worse. to want thy light.” 没有你的光明,将是一千倍的心伤。
△Gent.3.1.147: “Because myself do want myservants'fortune.”因为我自己竟没有我的奴仆的幸运。
2. lack,be lacking in. be deficient in 缺乏,缺少。
△2H.IV.4.4.8: “Only,we want a little personalstrength;”只是我个人还缺少一点体力。
△2H.VI.3.2.125:“The commons,like an angry hive of bees/Thatwant their leader,scatter up and down,/ And carenot who they sting in his revenge.”平民百姓们,就像一群失去蜂王的愤怒的蜜蜂,到处乱飞,为了替他复仇,不管是什么人都蜇。
△3H.VI.4.1.121:“That,though I want a king-dom. yet in marriage / I may not prove inferior toyourself.”我虽然缺少 一个王国,在婚姻上可能不比你差。
△3H.VI.4.6.57: “Ay,therein Clarence shall notwant his part.”是呀,在这件事情上克拉仑斯也少不了有一份。
△R.III.2.1.43: “There wanteth now our brotherGloucester here”,现在这里缺少的只有我的兄弟葛罗斯特。
△R.III.3.1.12: “Those uncles which you want weredangerous.”你没有见到的那几个叔叔舅舅都是危险人物。
△R.III.3.7.124(125):“The noble isle doth want her proper limbs;”这个高贵的岛国缺少自己的肢体。
△H.VIII.1.1.107:“What his high hatred would effect wantsnot/A minister in his power.”他那极大的仇恨所想要实行的事,在他手下不会缺少爪牙去给他办的。
△Gent.2.6.12:“he wants wit that wants resolved will”.没有决心的人就是缺乏智慧。
△Shr. Ind.1.104: “Let them want noth-ing that my house affords.”凡是我家里有的,都尽量供应他们。
△Com.2.2.57(55):“I think the meat wants that(= what) I have.”我想肉还欠缺我所受到的那层手续。
△L.L.L. 4. 2. 80(79): “they shall want no instruc-tion,”他们不会得不到我的教诲。
△Shr.3.2.5:“To wantthe bridegroom when the priest attends/To speakthe ceremonial rites of marriage!”牧师等着主持婚礼,而新郎却不知去向!
△Wiv.2.2.273(258):“Want no mon-ey,Sir John,you shall want none.”不必担心缺钱,约翰爵士,你 一定不会缺钱用的。
△Wiv.4.4.40(39): “Why.yet there want not many that do fear/In deep ofnight to walk by this Herne's oak.”是呀,现在也还有不少人到夜晚不敢走近这株赫恩的橡树。
△Ado.3.2. 20:“If hebe sad(= serious). he wants money.”如果他有了心事,那一定是因为他缺钱花。
3. need 需要。
△1H.IV.1.2.173(156): “for the poorabuses of the time want countenance.”因为在这种年头,不景气的歪门邪道正需要贵人赞助。
△3H.VI.5.1.66:“Owelcome,Oxford,for we want thy help.”啊,欢迎,牛津,我们需要你的援助。
4. ❶lack 缺乏。
❷desire,wish 想望,希望。
△R.III.3.1.6:“I want more uncles here to welcome me.”我希望有(双关:缺乏)更多的叔叔舅舅在这里欢迎我。
~ vi. lack,be lacking 缺乏,缺少。
△L.L.L.4.3.237(233): “Where nothing wants that want (= desire) it-self doth seek.”在她的身上找不出丝毫的缺陷。
△Shr.3.2.249(246): “though bride and bridegroom wants.”尽管新郎和新娘都不在。
△As.3.3.65(62):“by so much isa horn more precious than to want.”所以有角也总比没有角要更宝贵。
△Lr.4.6.269(264): “if your will wantnot,”只要你不缺少意志。
△H.V.3.7.83(73): “And yetmy sky shall not want.” i.e.lack stars. 我的“天空”是不会缺乏星星的。


v. 想要,要,需要 n.欲望,需要,缺乏
◇ be wanting in 缺… for want of 因缺少… /from want of 因为缺少… / in want of 缺少,需要
want for 缺乏
want out 解除
want to应该
‖ want ad 招聘广告
want list 补缺目录
wantable adj.吸引人的
wantless adj.缺乏的,缺少的





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