huntvt. pursue追逐。 △H.V.2.4.51:“And he is bredout of that blood strain / That hunted us in our famil-iar paths.”i.e. That attacked us in our own country他就是这个血腥的家族所生养出来的,他的先人曾经在我们自己家乡的道路上追猎过我们。(按: hunted又作haunted,“缠住”。)~ vi. hunt counter: (counter. ad. in the wrong direction反方向地。) (huntin g term) follow the game’s trail backwards,be on the wrong scent of the game,be com-pletely mistaken(狩猎用语)朝相反的方向追逐猎物的踪迹,把猎物的臭迹弄错,完全弄错。 △2H.IV.1.2.102 (90):“Youhunt counter,hence,avaunt!” 你嗅错了方向,去,滚!(按:福斯塔夫把大法官的仆人比做一条猎狗。) hunt[hʌnt]v.&. n.打捞,搜索,捕捉题材,追逐,左右摆头,纵向摆动 ◇hunt down搜捕,搜寻 hunt for=hunt after追猎…猎寻…/hunt grass一败涂地 hunt out找出来 hunt sb. to the quick触及要害 hunt through涉猎,翻找 hunt up猎取,搜寻…/hunt with the hounds and run with the hare两面讨好,折中采取中间路线 ‖ hunt and kill猎杀 hunt for novelty猎奇 hunter-killer猎潜飞机 hunter-killer aircraft carrier反潜航空母舰 hunter-killer destroyer反潜驱逐舰 hunter-killer force猎潜部队 hunter-killer group猎潜大队 hunter-killer mode反潜方式 hunter-killer operations猎潜战 hunter-killer submarine反潜舰 Hunters Round Unit猎手单轮赛单组 hunting and gathering culture狩猎与采集文化 hunting and gathering society狩猎与采集社会 hunting and gathering狩猎与采集 hunting cap射击帽,鸭舌帽,猎帽 hunting field猎场 hunting for a job on internet网上求职 hunting gear跟踪装置 hunting ground猎场 hunting horn狩猎圆号 hunting motif狩猎图案 hunting of load负载摆动 hunting people渔猎民族 hunting period搜索周期 hunting probe摆动探头 hunting rifle猎枪 hunting scenes狩猎画面 hunting seat向前倾斜的骑坐姿势 hunting stage狩猎阶段 hunting zone搜索范围 huntman猎人,猎户,猎手,空中预警攻击机 huntsmanship n.打猎术 hunt-the-thimble n. 丢手绢(游戏) |