释义 |
vox(L.): voice,right voice,proper tone of voice嗓音,适当的嗓音,合适的腔调。 △Tw.5.1.305(294): “Anyour ladyship will have it as it ought to be,you mustallow vox.” i.e. You must let me read in the tones appropriate to a madman. i.e. in loud,frantic tones.(The Clown has entered upon his reading in a veryextravagant manner,and tells his lady who checkshim for it. that appropriate voice and tone must begranted him if she would have it read right.) 小姐既然要我按照这信的本来语气来读,你就必须准我疯声疯气地读。(按:小丑费斯特用很放肆的声调念信,奥丽维娅制止,因此他提出用疯子的语调念信的要求。) vox[vɔks](拉丁语) n.声音 ‖ vox pop 民众舆论 |