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单词 voluntary


a. willing 心甘情愿的。
△Oth.4.1.27:“vol-untary dotage”,自愿的垂青。


adj. 自动的,自愿的,自发的,主动的 n. 志愿者,即兴演奏,自愿行动
◇ on a voluntary basis 根据自愿的原则
make a voluntary confession 自动招供
‖ voluntary action 自愿行动
voluntary activity志愿者行动
voluntary adjustment 自动调整
voluntary arbitration 自愿仲裁
voluntary army 志愿军
voluntary association 志愿结合
voluntary attention 有意注意
voluntary audit 自愿审计
voluntary bankruptcy 自愿申请破产
voluntary behavior 自主性行为
voluntary bill procedure 自行起诉程序
voluntary ceiling 自动限额
voluntary church 不受国家资助的教堂
voluntary confession 自愿供认
voluntary contribution 自愿捐款
voluntary conveyance 自愿让与
voluntary cooperation 自愿合作
voluntary departure 自动离境
Voluntary Departure Scheme 自愿离职计划
voluntary disposition 自愿处理
voluntary dive with limit 有难度系数限制的自选动作
voluntary duties 志愿服务
voluntary early retirement 自愿提早退休
voluntary education 义务教育
voluntary enlistment 志愿兵制
voluntary enthusiasm 自发的积极性
voluntary exercise 自选动作
voluntary export quota 自愿出口配额
voluntary foreign credit restraint guideline 外国银行信贷自控限制规则
voluntary forfeit 自动弃权
voluntary fund 自愿捐款
voluntary grantee 无偿受让人
voluntary group 志愿团体
voluntary hospital 私人医院
voluntary imitation有意识的模仿
voluntary indemnity 自动赔偿
voluntary insurance 自愿保险
voluntary labour 义务劳动
voluntary liquidation 自动清理
voluntary manslaughter 故意杀人
voluntary misstatement 故意误述
voluntary movement 随意运动
voluntary offer 主动推荐
voluntary organization 志愿组织
voluntary payment 提前偿付,自行付款
voluntary premature retirement 自愿提早退休
voluntary private plans 个人自愿计划
voluntary quality assurance 自行保证素质
voluntary redemption 自动清偿
voluntary retirement compensation package 自愿退休补偿方案
voluntary retirement 自愿退休
Voluntary Retirement Scheme 自愿退休计划
voluntary sanction 自愿性制裁
voluntary savings 自愿储蓄
voluntary school 民办学校
voluntary settlement 自愿无偿授产
voluntary tax 自愿捐税
voluntary transfers 自动转让
voluntary trust 自愿信托
voluntary unemployment自发性失业
voluntary voter registration system 选民自愿登记制度
voluntary waste 故意损害
voluntary withdrawal 主动撤退,自动退学,自动离校
voluntary withdrawal from school 自愿性退学
voluntarily adv. voluntarism n. 自愿捐助主义,实行志愿兵役制的主张,唯意志论
voluntarist n. 唯意志论者
voluntaristic adj./voluntaristic philosophy 唯意志哲学
voluntaristic psychology 唯意志论心理学
voluntariness n. 志愿者
principle of voluntariness 自愿原则





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