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❶ (爬行动物) snake; serpent; mole catcher: 海 ~ marine snake; 多~ 的地方 a snaky place; ~ 药 antidote for snake-bites; 耍 ~ 的人 serpent-charmer; ~ 盘绕在树枝上。 The snake coiled itself round the branch. ~ 吞青蛙。 The snake got outside of a frog.
❷(山名) Mount She (in Hubei Province)
❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 玄 She Xuan
另见 see also yí。
◆蛇草 snakeweed; snakeskin; 蛇虫 snakeworm; 蛇毒 snake venom; venin; venene; 蛇管 {化} coiler; 蛇麻 {植} golden hop; 蛇莓 {植} Indian strawberry; mock-strawberry; duchesnea; 蛇伤 snake wound; 蛇舌 tang; 蛇蜕 {中药} pillis ophidiae; snake slough; 蛇蝎 snakes and scorpions — vicious people; 蛇蝎心肠 have a heart as malicious as snakes and scorpions; have a murderous heart; cruel; merciless; 蛇形 snakelike: S-shaped; 蛇形管 coil; coiler; coiled pipe; serpentuator; 蛇行 [书] move with the body on the ground; crawl; serpentuate; 蛇咬伤 snake bite; 蛇药 Chinese drugs for snakebite; 蛇医 snake doctor; 蛇影杯弓 mistaking the reflection of a bow in the cup for a snake; take alarm at the shadow of a bow in the cup; be afraid of one's own shadow; extremely suspicious; self-created suspicion; illusion caused by suspicion; 蛇足 feet added to a snake by an ignorant artist — sth. superfluous

(构词成分): ~ ~ [- -] (轻率) rash; hasty; 委 ~ [wēi yí] [书] (绵延屈曲貌) winding; meandering
另见 see also shé。





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