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单词 fence
fence1/fens/ nvt [-s / ɪz/;-d,-d /t/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

n 围(栅)栏,篱笆(structure made of ironwoodwire or rails that serves as an enclosure or barrier) [C]:put/build/erect a~around the yard to keep the dog in;围着院子设置/建造/竖起一道篱笆将狗圈在里面;be surrounded by a bamboo~ 被竹篱圈着;jump over a~越过围栏;talk across the garden~隔着园子的围栏交谈;〖同〗barrier;

be/sit on the fence 采取骑墙态度,观望:Mrs Smith decided to vote for the Democrats but her husband was still on the~. 史密斯太太决定投民主党人的票,但她的丈夫仍在观望。

→′fenceless adj 没有围栏的;

vt 用围(栅)栏围住(divideprotectsurround sth with a fence) [T+n]:~the garden/the fields to prevent cows from wandering in 将花园/田地围起来防止牛进入;~a pasture with bamboo sticks 用竹杆将牧场围起来;The farmer's land is~d with wire. 那个农民的土地被铁丝网围着。〖同〗surround,secure,encircle,confine;

→′fencing n 围(栅)栏,篱笆;

fence about 用栅栏围住;预防:be~d about with penalties 用处罚来预防;

fence in (v adv) 1) 用围栏围住(vt):The farmer~d in his farm. 那个农民将自己的农场用围栏围了起来。2) 约束,束缚(vt):feel~d in at home 感到被困在家中;

fence off/out (v adv) 用栅栏隔(栏)开 (vt):~off a piece of land 将一块地隔开;The cows are~d out. 牛被隔在了外面。





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