释义 |
vawardn. 1.vanguard,forefront 前卫,先头部队,前列。 △ H.V.4.3.129 (130):“My lord. most humbly on my knee Ibeg / The leading of the vaward.”陛下,我最谦卑地跪下来向你恳求,请准我率领先头部队。 △ 1H.vi. 1.1.132:“He.being in the vaward.placed behind / With purpose torelieve and follow them,/ Cowardly fled,not having struck one stroke.”他本来在先头部队,放在后边的目的是为了接应部队,但他却怯懦地未打一下就逃跑了。 2. forepart. early portion 前段,前一部分。 △ Mid.4.1.1 1 1 ( 105): “And since we have the vaward of theday,”趁我们前半天没有事做。 vaward of youth: forefront of youth. prime of youth青春的前列,青春鼎盛时期。 △2H.IV. 1. 2. 201 (176):“andwe that are in the vaward of our youth ,I must con-fess,are wags too.”我得承认,我们这些正当青春年少的人,也都是些荒唐鬼。 |