释义 |
vaultingp. a. 1.leaping,jumping 跳跃的,跳动的。 △ Mac.1.7. 25:“Ihave no spur / To prick the sides of my intent,butonly / Vaulting ambition,which o’erleaps itself,And falls on the other.” i.e. He has nothing to pushforward his purpose except ambition. which is like arider. who aims to leap onto his horse but over-reachhimself,falls on the other side. 我没有马刺来激励我自己的图谋,可是我那跃跃欲试的野心,跳过了头,一下子翻落在另边。 2. leaping,bounding. rising and falling 跳跃的,跳动的,上下起伏的。 pretty vaulting: bounding in an agreeable manner.handsomely rising and falling 很好看地跳动,漂亮地上下起伏。 △2H.VI.3.2.94: “The pretty vaulting sea re-fused to drown me,/ Knowing that thou wouldst haveme drowned on shore / With tears as salt as sea.”那漂亮地上下起伏的大海拒绝把我淹死,知道你会在陆地上让像海水一般咸苦的泪水把我淹死。 |