释义 |
unfoldvt. 1.reveal,expose. disclose展示,揭露,透露。 △Mid.1.1.146: “That,in a spleen. unfolds both heaven andearth,”突然间,展露了整个的天地。 △Oth.3.3.242:“This honest creature. doubtless. Sees and knowsmore,much more,than he unfolds. ”这个老实人,无疑地,看到和知道的比他透露出来的要多,而且多得多。 △ Oth.4.2.141:“O heaven,that such companions thou’dst un-fold,”天啊,但愿你把这些家伙揭露出来。 △2H.IV. Ind.4:“still unfold / The acts commenced on this ball ofearth.”总在揭露在这地球上进行的种种活动(双关:演出的种种剧情)。 △ H.VIII.3.2.26:“In the divorce his contraryproceedings / Are all unfolded; wherein he appears/As I wish mine enemy.”在这次离婚案中,他的反复无常的做法已经全被揭穿;他现在所陷入的困境正是我对于敌人所希望的。 2. narrate. communicate叙述,传达。 △2H.VI.3.2.116:“as Ascanius did/ When he to madding Didowould unfold / His father’s acts commenced in burning Troy!”就像阿斯卡尼俄斯向如痴如狂的狄多讲述他父亲从焚烧特洛伊开始的事迹一样! △Mac.3.6.45: “Some holyangel / Fly to the court of England,and unfold / His message ere he (i.e. Macduff) come.”但愿有一位神圣的天使在他之前飞到英格兰宫廷,为他传达一个信息。 3. tell,declare,explain,identify讲说,宣布,说明,证明(身份)。 △ Ham.1.1.2: “Nay,answer me. Stand andunfold yourself.”i.e. No. you answer me. Stop andidentify yourself.不,你先回答我。站住,告诉我你是什么人。 △2H.IV.4.1.77:“When we are wronged and wouldunfold our griefs,/ We are denied access unto hisperson”,当我们受了冤屈,想诉一诉我们的冤情,却不被准许去见国王本人。 △H.V.1.2.10:“And justly and religious-ly unfold / Why the law Salique. that they have inFrance,/ Or should. or should not. bar us in ourclaim.”公正而合乎道义地讲一讲,法国人所奉行的萨利法典究竟为什么应该,或者不应该,阻挡我的继承权。 △H.V.3.6.127 (117): “Unfold it.”说出来吧。 △2H.VI.2.1.165(162):“Such as my heart doth tremble to unfold.”这消息说出来我的心就要打战。 ~ vi. open up展开,展现。 △Tw.1.2.17 (19):“Mineown escape unfoldeth to my hope,/ Whereto thyspeech serves for authority,/ The like of him.” i.e.My own escape gives me the hope (and what you havetold me serves to support it) that the same happened to him. 我自己的获救使我怀了希望(你的话更可做个有力的佐证),他也许会有同样的幸运。 unfold[ˈʌnˈfəuld]v.展示,摊开 ◇ unfold sth. to sb.显露… ‖ unfolded adj. |