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单词 vocation
释义 vocation /vau'keifn; vo'kefan/ n 1 (sing only) feeling that one is called to (and qualified for) a certain kind of work (esp social or religious): (仅用单数)(觉得自己受到召示而且适于做某种工作的)使命感; (尤指)天职; 天命; The nursing of the sick, said Florence Nightingale, is a as well as a profession. 南丁格尔说,看护病患不仅是一种职业,更是天职。 2 [U] special aptitude (for): 特殊的才能; 异禀(与 for 连用): He has little or no ~ for teaching. 他不 ■ 于敎书。 3 [C] person's trade or profession. 行业; 职业。 ~al /-fanl; -/snl/ adj of or for a ~ (3): 职业的; 适于职业的: ~al guidance, advice on the choice of a ~. 就业指导; 职业辅导。




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