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tyrannyn. 1.despotic exercise of power or violence,violent andlawless action 专制暴政,专制暴行,无法无天的暴行。 △2H.IV.1.3.61:“A naked subject to the weepingclouds / And waste for churlish winter’s tyranny.”i.e.something nakedly exposed to the rain and to thedevastation of winter.赤裸裸暴露在外、任凭雨水冲打,成为饱受粗暴的寒冬摧残之物。 △R.III.2.4.51:“Insultingtyranny begins to jut / Upon the innocent and awelessthrone.”气焰嚣张的暴政开始侵犯天真无邪而缺乏威严的王位。 2. despotic exercise of power,(abstr.for contr.) ty-rant专制暴政.(转指)暴君。 △2H.IV.4.5.84 (85):“Thattyranny,which never quaffed but blood.”非血不饮(又译:嗜血成性)的暴君。 3. violence,cruelty,outrage,villainy 暴力,残酷,暴行,罪恶行径。 △Mer.4.1.13:“The very tyranny”,i.e.thefull cruelty.十足的残暴。 △1H.VI.2.3.40:“That hastby tyranny these many years / Wasted our country,slain our citizens,”你这么多年来用残暴手段破坏我们的国家,屠杀我们的人民。 △1H.VI.2.5.99: “But yet me-thinks my father’s execution Was nothing less thanbloody tyranny.”但是在我看来我父亲被处死实在是血腥的暴行。 △1H.VI.4.2.17:“The period of thy tyranny ap-proacheth.” 你的暴行的末日到了。 △2H.VI.3.2.49:“Upon thy eye-balls murderous tyranny / Sits in grimmajesty,to tright the world.”你的眼珠子带着狰狞凶暴的杀机,吓煞世人。 tyranny[ˈtirəni]n.暴政,暴行,专制统治 ‖ tyrannic (al) adj.tyrannize[ˈtirənaiz]v.施行暴政 tyrannism n. 虐待狂 tyrannous[ˈtirənəs]adj.暴虐的,压制的,诛弑暴君 tyrant[ˈtairənt]n.暴君 ◇ pay the tyrant 称霸 |