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单词 trick


1. stratagem,artifice,trickery 计谋,计策,诡计。
△Ham. 4. 5. 4:“She speaks much of her father,saysshe hears / There’s tricks i’ the world,”她老是讲她的父亲,又说她听说这世界上鬼花样太多。
trick of state: political stratagem,stroke of policy政治计谋,权谋的一招。
△ H.VIII.2.1.44: “That trickof state / Was a deep envious one. ”这种政治手腕真是阴险恶毒。
2. device,artifice手段,巧计。
△As. 4. 1. 42 (40):“Anyou serve me such another trick,never come in mysight more.”要是你再对我来这么一套,你就永不要再来见我了。
tricks eleven and twenty long: thirty-one tricks三十一条妙计。
△ Shr. 4. 2. 56: “and Petruchio is themaster,/ That teacheth tricks eleven and twenty long,”彼特鲁乔就是校长,他教授着许许多多的秘诀妙计。
3. skill. knack,ability技巧,窍门,能力。
△Ham. 5. 1. 96(90): “Here’s fine revolution. an we had the trick to see’t.”这真是一场微妙的变化,假如我们有本领看得出的话。
4. feat of skill技艺。
△Ham. 4. 7. 89: “shapes and tricks”,身段和技巧。
5. juggling trick变戏法的花招。
I know a trick worth two of that: (a popular expres-sion signifying wariness of being taken for a fool) Ican see through your little game; I am not such afool. 我能看穿你的小小把戏;我还不是那样的傻瓜。
△1H.IV.2. 1. 40 (36): “Nay,by God. soft,I know a trick worth two of that,i’ faith. ”不,且慢,比这更高明的把戏也骗不了,老实说。
6. fashion. custom 时尚,风习。
△ 2H.IV.1. 2. 244(214):“but it was always yet the trick of our English nation,”但是我们英国人总有这么一种风尚。
7. habit,custom,way习惯,风习,风气。
△ Ham. 4. 7.188 (187):“It is our trick,”(It: weeping)这也是人之常情。(按:指哭泣。)
8. habit,air习惯,神气。
△ Tw. 2. 5. 166 (151): “put thyself into the trick of singularity.”i.e. assume some unusual habit,or put on the air of eccentricity. 要装出一种独特的习惯。(又译:要做出一副怪僻的样子。)
9. characteristic,peculiarity,particular tone,intonation特征,特色,特殊语调,语调。
△ Lr. 4. 6. 109 (106):“The trick of that voice I do well remember;/Is’t not the King?”这说话的特殊声调我记得很清楚:这不是国王吗?
10. characteristic,expression特征,表情。
△ 1H.IV. 2 4. 450 (403):“but chiefly a villainous trick of thine eye,”但主要在于你的眼睛有一种讨厌的表情(又译:特征)。
wild trick: trace of the characteristic wildness野性的遗迹。
△1H.IV.5 2. 9:“For treason is but trusted like the fox,/ Who never so tame. so cherished andlocked up,/ Will have a wild trick of his ancestors. ”因为叛逆本来就是像狐狸一样不可信任的,不管它多么驯服、多么受抚爱并且被多么严密地关起来,总还要带有祖传野性的遗迹。
12. delusion,caprice妄想,怪想头。
△Oth. 4. 2. 129:“How comes this trick upon him?”他怎么会起这种想头呢?
13. improper action,capricious behaviour,freak无礼行动,任性行为,怪诞行为。
△ Rom. 1. 5. 88 (84):“Thistrick may chance to scathe you. I know what.”i.e.This behaviour may possibly injure your financial ex-pectations,and I know what I am saying. 你这样闹可能会损害你自己(经济前途)的,我明白。
14. joke. prank. foolish action 笑话,开玩笑,傻事。
△ Wiv. 2. 2. 117 (112):“That were a trick indeed!”那才真成了笑话了!
15. trifle,toy,playthin g小东西,小玩具,玩物。
△Shr.4.3.67:“A knack,a toy,a trick,a baby’s cap.”这是小玩意儿,小玩具,小把戏,婴儿戴的帽子。
16. touch,dash一点,少许。
△L.L.L. 5. 2.417 (416):“Yet I have a trick /Of the old rage.”我仍然还有一点老毛病。
△Ham. 4. 4. 61:“That for a fantasy and trick of fame / Go to theirgraves like beds,”为了一点点幻想、一点点虚名,进坟墓只当上床铺。(又译:为了一点虚幻的骗人的名誉…)


vb. dress out,adorn打扮,装饰。
trick up: adorn装饰。
△H.V. 3. 6. 81 (75):“and thisthey con perfectly in the phrase of war,which theytrick up with new-tuned oaths;”这一切,他们都能用军事术语背得下来,再拿一些新近撰造的咒骂点缀一番。


n.诡计,骗局,恶作剧,窍门,诀窍,伎俩,手法,特技 v.欺骗,哄骗
◇ rob by a trick 敲竹杠
trick into 诱使
trick out 打扮
trick sb. into consent 哄骗某人
trick up 装饰
‖ trick button 特技按钮
trick course 花式场地
trick cycling 车技
trick effects 特技效果
trick flight (flying)特技飞行 trick jump晃跳
trick movement 假动作
trick of reason 理性的诡计
trick of the imagination 错觉
trick photography 特技摄影
trick play动脑筋的打法
trick rider 马戏演员
trick shot 特技镜头
trick skiing 花式滑冰
trick stop 假拦网
tricker n.恶作剧者,欺骗者
trickery n. 欺骗,权谋,戏法
trickiness n.欺骗,狡猾
trickster[ˈtrikstə]n. 骗子,魔术师
tricksterism n. 骗子手法
tricky question 偏题,怪题





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