释义 |
tormentedpa. p. put to extreme pain,tortured受折磨,受拷打。 △Rom. 1. 2. 57 (55):“Shut up in prison,keptwithout my food,/ Whipped and tormented,” (Ro-meo refers to the way in which mad people were trea-ted in those days. They were locked up,beaten and starved,for it was believed that a devil had enteredthem and could only be driven out by such treat-ment.)被关在牢里,不让吃东西,受鞭打苦刑。(按:罗米欧在此说的是伊利莎白时代对待疯子的办法,当时认为魔鬼附在疯子身上,只有那样虐待才能把魔鬼赶走。) |