1. crowd pressing forward拥挤向前的人群。
△H.V.4.5.20:“To smother up the English in our throngs,”我们挤成 一团,也能把英国人闷死。
2. crowd人群。
△Lr.3.2.88 (90): “Nor cutpursescome not to throngs;” 割钱包的扒手不往人群里钻。
△Wiv.2.2.19 (17): “Go — a short knife and athrong!”i.e. Go and cut purses in a crowd. 去吧,拿一把小刀到人堆里割包去吧!
3. great multitude大群,大批。
△2H.IV.2.1.126 (111):“the throng of words that come with such more thanimpudent sauciness from you,”你那一大串厚颜无耻的言词。
vi. crowd and press forward成群拥挤。
△R.III.5. 3. 199 (198): “All several sins,all used in each degree,/Throng to the bar,crying all,‘Guilty! Guilty!’”所有这一切不同的罪恶,我全都在不同程度上犯过它们全都蜂拥到法庭上大叫:“有罪! 有罪!”
△ Ado. 1. 1.312 (302):“in their rooms / Come thronging soft anddelicate desires,”一缕缕的柔情蜜意就蜂拥而人。