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单词 thought


△R.III.2.1.105: “My brother killed no man,hisfault was thought,”i. e. it never passed into action. 我的兄弟并没有杀人,他的过错只是一念之差。
2. brooding,sorrowful reflection沉思,苦思。
△Tw. 2.4. 114 (112):“she pined in th ought.”她在沉思(又译:相思)中憔悴了。
3. line of thought思路。
△Ham. 1. 1. 67: “In whatparticular thought to work I know not.” i. e. 1 do notknow what line of thought to follow,i.e. what Ishould think about it. 我不知道究竟应该怎样想。
4. expectation期待。
△Lr. 4. 6. 218 (213): “the maindescry / Stands on the hourly thought.”i.e.everyhour the sight of the main body of troops is expected.(直译)对于军队主力的发现存在于每个小时的期待之中。(意译)随时都可以望见对方军队的主力来临。
5. melancholy,care. anxiety,worry,sorrow忧郁,忧虑,焦虑,烦恼,悲哀。
△As. 4. 1. 224 (212): “begot ofthought,”因为忧郁而生。
△ Ham. 3. 1. 84 (83): “Andthus the native hue of resolution / Is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought,” i.e. the natural colour ofresolution is made to look sick by the paleness of mel-ancholy. 也就这样子,决断的本色被苍白的忧郁蒙上了一层病灰灰的颜色。
△Ham. 4. 5. 187(188):“Thought and afflic-tion,passion,hell itself,/She turns to favour and toprettiness.”忧郁,痛苦,苦难,甚至于地狱,她都点化成为妩媚和爱娇。
△2H.IV.4.5.66 (67): “For this the foolishover-careful fathers/ Have broke their sleep withthoughts,”为了这个,愚蠢而过分担心的父亲们由于种种忧虑而打断了他们的睡眠。
6. melancholy thought,sorrowful reflection忧思,苦想。
△Gent.1.1. 69:“heart sick with thought”,因相思而内心痛苦。
7. a small degree,a trifle稍微,一点点。
△Ado.3.4.14(13):“if the hair were a thought browner;”如果那头发的颜色再稍微深一点就好了。
seen in thought: seen but not uttered,perceived butnot spoken of,perceived in silence看到而不说,看出来而不说出来,看出来但保持沉默。
△R.III.3.6.13:“Bad is theworld,and all will come to naught/ When such ill-dealing must be seen in thought.”世道真坏,一切不会有好结果;看见了罪恶勾当,却只能保持沉默。
thought is free: I may think what I like (From theold proverb:“ World is thrall,but thought is free.”)思想是自由的,我高兴怎么想就怎么想。(源自古谚:“人间是奴役,思想却自由。”)。
△Tw.1.3.74 (69):“Now,sir,thoughtis free.”好了,先生,思想是无拘无束的。(按:意思是说:“我认为你就是傻瓜。”)
thought long: expected long,been impatient,lookedforward早就期待着,急不可耐,一直盼望。
△Rom.4.5.41:“Have I thought long to see this morning’s face,”i.e.I have looked forward to seeing this morning’s dawn.我眼巴巴地盼到了今天早晨。
upon a thought: as quick as a thought,in a moment,in an instant像思想那样迅疾,片刻工夫,立刻。
△Mac.3.4.55 (54):“The fit is momentary,upon a thought/He will again be well.”这种发作是短暂的,只消片刻工夫他就会好起来。
with a thought: as quick as thought像思想一样快。
△1H.IV.2.4.245 (217): “and with a thought sevenof the eleven I paid.”说时迟那时快,我就把十一个人当中的七个人全报销了。


pa. p.
1.thought of,thought about想。
△Mac.2.2.34 (30):“These deeds must not be thought / After these ways;”这些事情不可照这样子去想。
2. inferred,conjectured推断,推想。
△Ham.4.5.12: “Indeed would make one think there might bethought,/Though nothing sure,yet much unhappi-ly.”的确会叫人觉得她想说自己遭了什么不幸,虽然这也说不准。





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