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单词 third


a. The third pays for all: The third time wins all; thethird time is lucky. (A proverb used to encouragepeople who have failed twice in something to try oncemore.)(鼓励失败两次的人再试一回的俗语)第三回才算赢;第三回运道最好。
△Tw.5.1.40 (37):“and the old sayingis,‘the third pays for all.’”常言说:“第三回才算赢。”


‖ every third day 第三人称
third age college 老人学院
third angle drawing 第三角画法
third-back game 三后卫打法
third ball attack第三板进攻
third base 三垒
third baseman三垒手
third bill of exchange 第三联汇票
third class 三等
third class paper 三等证券
third class pilot 三级飞行员
Third Communist International 第三国际
third country bills第三国汇票
third country compensation trading 第三国补偿贸易
third country dumping 第三国倾销
third dimension 立体感,真实感
third division 丙组
third down 第三次进攻
third education 第三种教育
third estate 平民阶级
Third Estate 第三等级
third figure 第三格
third figure of categorical syllogism 三段论的第三格
third force psychology 第三思潮心理学
third heat 第三姿势击打
third industry 第三产业
Third International 第三国际
third invito 第三斜线姿势
third level education 第三级教育
third-line forcing 硬性搭配销售
third literature 三次文献
third man in the ring 台上裁判员
third market 三级市场
third of exchange第三联汇票
third parry 第三党,第三方,第三姿势防守
third party account 第三方账户
third party beneficiary 第三方收益人
third party check 第三方支票
third party clause 第三者条款
third party credit 第三方信用证
third-party directions 对第三人的指示
third party information 第三者资料
third party insurance 第三方保险
third party interest 第三方利益
third party legal liability (TPL)第三者责任险,第三者法律责任,第三方责任
third party payment 第三方付款
third-party proceedings 第三人诉讼程序
third party’s election 第三方选择权
third person 第三人称
third personal fault 三次个人犯规
third place 季军
third prize 三等奖
third quartile第二四分位数
third reading 三读
Third Reich 第三帝国
Third Republic 第三共和
third root 立方根
third round 决赛
third teller 银行支付员
Third Wave 第三次浪潮
third window terms 第三类业务条件
Third World 第三世界
third-class adj.三等的,平庸的 adv.乘坐三等舱
third-rate adj.三等的,三流的,下等的
third-rater n. 三流货
thirteen meter line 十三米线
thirteen metre throw 13米球
thirty all 二平
thirty love 二比零
Thirty-eighth Parallel三八线
thirty-five meter line 35米线,分场线
thirty-five pound weight throw 25磅链球掷远
Thirty-Nine Articles 三十九条
thirty second operator 30秒钟计时员
thirty second rule 30 秒钟规则
thirty-sixmo 三十六开本
thirty-twomo 三十二开本
Thirty Years’Peace 三十年和约
Thirty Years’ War 三十年战争
three[θri:]num. 三,三个
three account system 三账户制
three-act play 三幕话剧
three against one 三打一
three-attacker service reception 3-3 配备,三攻三传
three back 中卫
three backs system 三后卫制
three ball match 三球赛
three-base hit 三垒打
three bunt 触击球
three-character scripture 三字经
three column accounts 三栏式账户
three column ledger 三栏式总账
three column subsidiary ledger 三栏式明细分类账
three-column tariff system 三栏税则
three combined competition 三项全能运动
three cornered affair 三角恋爱
three cornered exchange 三角汇票
three-cushion caroms 三边球赛
three-day event 三日赛
three dimensional 三维的,立体的,有立体感的
three-dimensional analysis 立体分析
threedimensional animation 三维动画片
threedimensional film 立体电影
three dimensional fringes 三维条纹
three-dimensional movie 三维电影
three-dimensional sensation 立体感
three dimensional structure 立体结构
three dimensions=three-D 三维的,三维空间,立体电影
three-dimensional warfare 立体战
three direct links of trade,mail,and air and shipping services across the Taiwan Straits“三通” three direct links (mail,air and shipping services and trade) and bilateral exchanges 直接三通与双向交流
three elements of school学校三要素
Three Emperors’ League 三帝同盟
Three Emphases Education (to stress theoretical study,political awareness and good conduct)“三讲”教育(讲学习,讲政治,讲正气)/ three-factor mixed design 三因素混合设计
Three Favorables (whether it promotes the growth of the productive forces in a socialist society,increases the overall strength of the socialist state and raises the people’s living standards) “三个有利于” three fold 三重
three-foot line 跑垒员限制线
three-for-two rule 追加罚球规则
three-four time 三四拍子
Three Goods student “三好学生” Three Gorges Project “三峡” 工程
three-grade recheck system 三级复核制度
three-handed deal 混合交易
three handkerchief 催人泪下的伤感剧、电影
three height class 冠军组
Three Highs Agriculture (high yield,high quality and high efficiency agriculture)“三高”农业
three hundred bowler 满分获得者
Three hundred Tang Poems 《唐诗三百首》 /three-lane fast break 三线快攻
three laws of thought 思想三律
three level tuition system 三级学费制度
three love 三比零
three-man block 三人拦网
three-man dash 三人突击
three-man deep defence 三人压后防守
three-man figure of eight 三人8字进攻
three-man game 两人对一人的比赛
three-man interpassing 三人传球
three-man play 三人配合
three market 三方竞争的市场
three men on 满垒
three-meter spring board 3 米跳板
three-metre springboard 三米跳板
three men system 三裁判员制
three more 多三击
Three-No-Enterprises(It refers to enterprises with no capital,no plant,and no administrative structure.)“三无企业” /three o’clock 航向右方
three-on two 三 打二
three order-hierarchy models 三阶段层级结构模型
three out of five sets 五盘三胜制
three party draft 三方汇票
three-piece suit 三件套
three point arbitrage 三角套汇
three points of contact 三点着地
three-quarter ball 四分之三球
three-quarter speed 四分之三速度
three-quarter back 中卫
three-quarter coat 中长大衣
three-quarter overhand 肩斜上侧投球法
three-quarter pass 中卫相互传球
three-quarter shot 双人近景
three-roped 拳击台的三道围绳
Three Represents Theory (The Party should always represent the development needs of China’s advanced social productive forces,always represent the onward direction of China’s advanced culture,and always represent the fundamental interests of the largest member of the Chinese people.)“三个代表” /three-run homer 三分本垒打
three-second area 三秒区
three-second balance 停止三秒钟
three- second restriction 三秒钟限制
three- second rule 三秒钟规则
three-second violation 三秒违例
three-second zone 三秒区
three-section cudgel 三节棍
three-segmented cudgel 三节棍
Three Self Patriotic Movement Committee of the Protestant Churches of China 中国基督教“三自”爱国运动委员会
three sets match 三局两胜制
three setter system 三三配备
three signs of beings 世上存在物共同的三特征
three some三人赛
three-step approach 三步助跑
three-step attacking method 三步进攻法
three straight 连胜三盘
three strikes 三击
three successive championships 三连冠
three supplies and one leveling,supply of water,electricity and road and leveled ground “三通一平”/ three term system 三学期制
three thousand metres steepchase 三千米障碍赛
three-tier councils 三层议会
three-tier government structure 三层政府架构
three-tier system 三层次制度
three tiers of representative government 代议政制三层议会
three-two formation 3-2 阵式
three track plan三轨设计
three-valued logic 三值逻辑
Three Volumes of Words,Two Volumes of Slapping 《三言二拍》 /three-way interaction三因素互动
three yard line 三码线
three year junior college 三年制初级学院
three year senior high school 三年制高中
three-act adj.三幕的
three-colour adj.三色(版)的





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